DM #689: Gosh, I this lady.
So, it’s currently 2:32 AM and I’m finally getting around to posting this DM…and I’m not one bit mad about it. I’ve spent the last few hours working on my website that’s set to launch this weekend, recording a podcast, and doing some logistical things for my RockTape gig. My life is good .
I don’t dread Mondays, I often lose track of time while working, and I can honestly say that I’m the happiest that I’ve ever been. I can’t say that I’ve mastered anything, but I definitely don’t hate what I do. I’ve heard that 10k rule is a sham anyway .
Take home: do what you gotta do until you can do what you want to do…just make sure that you’re working towards doing what you want to do! Life’s way too short to spend it in a weekly prison that has you longing for the weekends and dreaming about vacations. Change your mindset. Change your life. Take the leap and create your happiness.
Daily Maestroisms dropping whenever the craziness of life allows . Get yours.
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