It is the person who is obsessed with the process, not the person who is obsessed with the outcome, who eventually succeeds in this long-ass game of online business.
Let's dive in.
Not only does this give you something to focus on besides the outcome, but achieving these goals provides those dopamine hits that can be so important for creating a continued desire to do the thing.
Big goals can create overwhelm. Acting from emotion leads to impulsive decisions. Create trackable metrics and use them to provide tangible evidence of your progress and help you identify specific areas that need improvement.
Surround yourself with others who are dedicated to the process, who champion the process, and look to include folks who are farther along than you in the process. Make this mindset the default instead of the exception.
Obsession with process creates doers that ultimately become achievers. Obsession with the process is the foundation upon which we can lay intricate business strategy. Strategy without a foundation is a recipe for flash-in-the-pan success, and you'll never hit the numbers you want that way.
To win the game you have to actually be in the game, and the reality is, if you’re focused on winning the game, you’ll typically quit because it isn’t happening fast enough.
When you get obsessed with playing the game, all that changes, and you set yourself up to play long enough to actually achieve that success you dreamed of.
Looking for a visual? Check out my 3 tips on Instagram.
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