Maestro on the Mic

MOTM #594: How to Handle Instagram Overwhelm

Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Every now and then I start seeing a flood of people “taking a break” from Instagram, and I truly believe it’s not the app that’s a problem—it’s how we use it. If you’re using social media to build a brand or a business, you’re going to have to be on Instagram, so you’re going to have to find a way to deal with overwhelm when it comes up because constantly deleting and re-downloading every other day ain’t the way. Overwhelm happens to all of us, so instead of trying to prevent it, you can take a deep breath and respond in a different way. We need social media for our businesses, so let’s figure out a way to make peace with it.

Let’s chat.

(This episode is a rerun. Original release date was June 2nd, 2022.)

Welcome to Maestro on the Mic, a podcast that helps online business owners find their passion, generate more profit, and build a life that they love. I'm your host, Dr. Shanté Cofield, aka The Movement Maestro, and I’m stoked to have you here. I hope this podcast inspires you to make moves and do the thing. Action is the answer.

In This Episode You'll Hear:

  • The easiest way to do less is to do more of something else
  • Show up how you want to show up
  • Turn the damn notifications off
  • Curate an experience you actually like
  • Find other things to bring you joy
  • Be obsessed with your own life, not someone else’s
  • You can handle the outcome

Links & Resources For This Episode:

Check out the transcript for this episode here

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