DM #320: Ok, before anyone goes asking me for the research and studies that prove this let me start by saying google works the same for you as it does for me. Additionally, this is Instagram, not a dissertation. I wholeheartedly respect your decision to not believe things until you see research proving it ? but I'm not here to provide that research for you. That whole give a man a fish thing.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, on to the good stuff. Was scrolling through IG stories the other day and came across a cool one that @theprehabguys had put up demonstrating multifidus activity before and after spinal manipulation. Pretty cool stuff.
Now, while I like to think more globally when it comes to movement and tissues, the dopeness of that post can't be denied. Let's consider it more support that practitioners need to stop telling their patients that this is “out” or that other thing needs to be adjusted.
Your SI-joint isn't out, and that mobilization, or gentle MET, or whatever isn't going to put it back “in”. If that were the case, running and putting that much force through your joints would blow your leg off ?.
So, what is happening? We're changing the afferent input. Changing the signal being sent to brain which then allows for different signals to be sent back to that area, causing a change in tone, movement, pain, perception, etc. Pretty cool ?, huh?
So, take home message: The nervous system is everything. The end.
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