Daily Maestroism

DM #293

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

DM #293: First you do what's easy and safe, THEN you practice, get good, and start looking like you know what the hell you're doing.
If you've been following me for a bit then I might be sounded a bit like a broken record here, but that nervous system of yours is ALWAYS seeking safety and your body will always seek efficiency.
That might come in the form of less than beautiful movement patterns, some breath holding, some procrastination, or perhaps the fact that you've never had a six pack ?

Your body is first going to do what's easy. You must then put in work and earn your stability, your fitness, your sexy movements, your six pack.
First you do what makes sense, then you earn what looks cool. Plain and simple.
Daily Maestroisms dropping every night at 7pm-ish PST. Get yours.
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