Daily Maestroism

DM #261

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

DM #261: Not ? science here. Yes, you gotta address symptoms. Help people get out of pain. All that jazz. But if you stop there and never address the actual underlying cause, you’re gonna be doing a whole lotta symptom chasing and management.
Dropping this DM tonight because I’m currently two days into my Touch Your Toes with the Maestro series, and I always cringe a little bit posting how-to videos. Why? Because it doesn’t matter how good the ‘how-to’ is, if you’re addressing the wrong thing!

I get lots of inquiries from you guys, and while I absolutely love hearing from you, my response tends to be the same when I get asked for exercises or drills to correct some sort of dysfunction or pain: find a GOOD provider near you and get assessed.
If you’ve been following me for any amount of time now you’ll likely have noticed that I’m all about figuring out WHY something is bothering you in the first place, and not simply throwing out a bunch of different drills and exercises and stretches that may or may not help. Most of the drills that I do post, I’m sharing because either I personally am working on them or I’ve given them to a patient or friend that day.
So, yeah, this is my roundabout way of saying stop throwing ? against the wall and hoping that it sticks. Stop stretching your QL every single day and smashing your hip flexor with a kettlebell. Find the culprit and stop abusing the victim. Your body (and free time) will thank you.
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