DM #259: And no @jackedrabbi, I don't mean by bending your knee, lifting your leg, and grabbing your foot ?. In the absence of any sort of congenital anomalies or surgical changes, if you're a human, you should be able to bend for forward and touch your toes. If you can't, you've got some movement dysfunction going on, and ya better check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Why can't you touch those toes? Well, before you go blaming your hammies and smashing them to death, figure out if your core is doing what it's supposed to be doing, when it's supposed to be doing it. Any kind of motor control dysfunction at your core will give your nervous system the perfect reason to slam on the brakes and tighten up your hamstrings. Why? Because the easiest way to impart stability to the system is by taking mobility away from somewhere else. Poor midline stability? Nervous system's response: take away hamstring mobility.
Why should you care if you can't touch your toes? Because it means something ain't working right and you're at risk for injury. ALL movement is a screen and the toe touch is a great way to see how your ? is doing.
Stay tuned this week because I'm gonna bring back my ‘Touch Your Toes with the Maestro' series. Saw way too many dysfunctional toe touch attempts today. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention… Daily Maestroisms dropping every night at 7pm-ish PST. Get yours.
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