Daily Maestroism

DM #250

Saturday, January 28th, 2017

DM #250: FRC, yoga, Animal Flow, Kinstretch, MoveNat, MobilityWOD, ROMWOD, self myofascial work, foam rolling, corrective exercises, banded mobilizations, primal movements, DNS, Original Strength, PNF, the Wim Hof method….add whatever you’d like to the list. They all have those 3 components in common.
I’m all about learning and having as many tools at my disposal as possible. However, I always make it a point to try and understand what is the common thread between not only the approaches that I use, but the ones that seem to be trending. @WODMedic did a great post today about all the continuing education courses that are out there and I’d have to agree. I’m ALL for continuing education and continuous growth and learning, but I also think it’s important to take a step back and assess the bigger picture, not just the nuances of that paradigm.
Let’s face it, if a single treatment approach worked, EVERYONE would be doing it. The fact that there are so many different approaches out there (albeit, some would argue that some are more effective than others, not here to discuss that though) can be written off as simply a byproduct of treating the complex organism that is the human, OR, we could take some time and try to figure what all these things have in common that is perhaps at the heart of each method’s efficacy.
I contend that the 3 points listed above are what turn a good exercise into a great exercise, an easy movement into a challenging movement, and a general drill into effective drill.
So, my point? Take courses, read book, learn all you can. But don’t get so caught up in the details that you forget the basics.
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