let's raise the tide

The Resource that you've been waiting for, The community that's been waiting for you.

wait, so what exactly is the mafia?

The Maestro Mafia is a monthly mentorship membership that gives you access to a dope online community and a ton of resources designed to help you build and grow your business, connect with other people doing the thing, and get inspired to build your best life...all without breaking the bank.

Real talk, while I started the Mafia with an intent to cover both movement AND online business content, ‘Rona skewed the group heavily towards online business, and that continues to be the theme. Nonetheless, the group is filled with over 125 like-minded movement professionals across varied disciplines. Translation: If you want to talk movement, there are plenty of folks who are ready and willing to chat and provide resources, but the driving theme is business.

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Who is it for?


No, really though. PT, DC, MD, ATC, LMT, RN, BS, CPT, yoga instructor, pilates instructor, health coach, movement enthusiast, whoever.

The Mafia is the first online membership to not just offer but actually encourage enrollment from multiple disciplines. Collaboration, not competition.

This is how we will raise the tide.


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How does it work?

Click the link. Sign up. Get access. It's as easy as that.

Once you're registered you can join the private Facebook group and you'll have access to the Mafia Dashboard which will allow you navigate to any content that you want.

The resources in the Mafia utilize "choose your own adventure" style learning, guided by a Mafia Core Curriculum course, and supplemented by one Zoom coaching call each month (lovingly referred to as a family dinner) that pertain to a set topic. Previous guests and their topics include: Dr. Lex Lancaster - All Things SEO, Wini Linguvic - Community Building, Sandi York - Getting Financially Fit, James Olivia Chu-Hillman - The Inquisitive Human Experience, JillFit - Productivity with Less Stress, Claire Pelletreau - Paid Traffic, Dr. Uchenna Ossai - The Pep Talk, Anna Hartman - Making the Woo, Wow...and so many MOAR.

We also have a Brick & Mortar business group that meets virtually once a month, lead by our own Sabrina Sarabella.

Log in and use the content as much as you want. Post in the private Facebook group as much as you want. Watch as many videos as you want. Ask as many questions as you want.

How much you get out of the Mafia is 100% up to you.

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What's the difference between this and every other online business group out there?

Two words: No brochachos.

No, but really, there are no brochachos (peep that Zoom picture at the top of the page), there is no ignoring that you are a whole-ass human trying to run a business, there is no pushing of methodologies that make you feel bad in your body and that you know in your gut just aren’t for you.

What we do have is content and community that is unmatched.

I’ve outlined a core curriculum that breaks down how to build, grow, and sustain an online business, and I strategically highlighted business-related dinners in the blurb in the “how does it work” section above, because, real talk, helping people is very much about giving them what they need, packaged in what they want.

Folks like you that are looking for help with their online business want, well, help with their online business. The focus is on the tangible things like strategy, and systems, and software. All good. We’ve got you covered.

After working with well over a thousand online business owners I can say with full certainty that the ‘need’ part, which isn’t nearly as sexy to market, is what truly contributes to success, and it’s what separates the Mafia from everything else out there.

What follows is a non-exhaustive list of the unsexy stuff that leaves me clapping at the end of every single family dinner:

  • A commitment to leading with our values
  • An understanding that the opposite of scarcity isn’t abundance, it’s enough
  • A decision to do online business on our own terms in a way that feels good for us
  • A willingness to define success for ourselves
  • The courage to bring our whole selves to everything we do, and encouraging others to do the same
  • The desire to lift each other up and truly celebrate other people’s wins
  • A belief that our businesses are here to serve us, and not the other way around
  • The inherent wisdom that everyone is our neighbor and we are all in this together

This is the lens through which I teach online business, and this is the foundation on which this family is built.

If you want the business strategy, we’ve got you. If you need the unsexy stuff and the unmatched community, we’d love to have you.


Curious about what's going on in the private facebook group? check out these posts:

What does it mean to be part of the Mafia?

Being part of the Mafia means that you are part of something bigger than yourself.

I personally handle and process all memberships, and I’ve created what we now call The Wall, as a way to show each and every member that they matter.

When you sign up for the Mafia, I personally write your name on a post-it an add it to the wall. Some may think this to be a nonsense gesture, but to those already in the Mafia, The Wall has come to symbolize the power of the group, the value of the individual, that fact that an actual void is created when you leave, and all that we can accomplish if we work together.


Traditional memberships place an emphasis on the features of the platform and leave the community aspect as an after-thought.

The Mafia flips that broken model on its head, and puts you, the human, at the center. Yes, we too have all of the resources here in one place, which is convenient, but let’s be honest, resources exist in a lot of places.

The people in the Mafia, however, this absolutely remarkable group of humans, in one spot, with a single vision, all dedicated to growth and lifting up those around them…that does not exist in a lot of places. But, it does exist here.

We built it, and we want you to be a part of it.

Come raise the tide. Come hold the wall. Come join the Mafia.

Don’t just take my word for it. Hear what others are saying about being part of the Mafia:





  • Monthly Family Dinner Coaching Call
  • Monthly Brick & Mortar Meet-up Coaching Call
  • Mafia Core Curriculum Course - Topics for focused learning include: Foundations of online biz, social media, email-marketing, podcasting, accounting and finances, crafting your offer, and so much MOAR
  • Access to recordings of all previous Family Dinners
  • Full access to the extensive video library with HUNDREDS of videos
  • Guest interviews with your favorites from the industry
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Weekly email with a business lesson and recap of all content from the previous week
  • Alpha Testing Opportunity - Get paid to test your ideas and teach the Mafia
  • No contracts, cancel any time

Can a homie get a discount?

While I don't offer a discount for simply paying for the full year up front (I personally don't love that as a biz strategy) I do however believe in providing MOAR value and rewarding commitment.

Stay in the Mafia for 6 months and not only will I give you 50% off of the rest my Maestro content* (yeah, that's right, 50% off any courses, webinars, single session coaching calls (Maestro Meetings), digital products, ERRYTHANG!), you'll also receive exclusive discounts to the courses and content from industry leaders that you know and love. I have strategically hand-selected each partnership in an effort to fill in the gaps of what I can provide (postpartum, brick and mortar biz, and the vestibular system ain't my jam), and encourage you to continue investing in yourself.

Commit to the Mafia and I will commit to doing everything I can to help you succeed. This is my promise to you.

*Excludes the LEGACY Mentormind and LextroMind

Frequently asked questions:

one last thing:

If you're looking for 1:1 coaching that will take a deep-dive into your personal business and create a custom step-by-step plan to help your specific business grow, the Mafia ain't it.

Remember, the Mafia is a choose-your-own-adventure style resource that I created specifically to fill a void that I noticed in the digital space.

Traditional group coaching costs hundreds if not THOUSANDS of dollars a month....with no guarantee that you'll succeed. I designed the Mafia as a way to provide both the resources AND the community to those folks who are making moves on their own and are in search of a little guidance, information, motivation, or support...all without breaking the bank.

Real talk, it's $97 a month and you can cancel at any time. What do you have to lose?

Are you up for a challenge?

I personally challenge you to commit to the Mafia for a full year. I challenge you to engage with the group, ask questions, let me know how I can better serve you. I challenge you to complete the Mafia Core Curriculum. I challenge you to let the Mafia be the thing that you actually stick with. Accept this challenge, and if after a full year of you putting in the work you feel that you have not benefitted in any way, I will give you your money back. Your results are my reputation. I'm here to raise the tide, break the wheel, and help you build the life of your dreams. So, are you up for the challenge?

let us help you build your your business and your best life.

© 2024 The Movement Maestro LLC. All rights reserved.