It’s a Start

Friday, March 21st, 2025

Read time: 1 min 45 sec

So I’ve been thinking about “starting” a blog for a bit now. Mainly as a way to get things out of my head. Partially perhaps to continue to make good on last year’s word for the year: WRITE.

It feels like it would be nice to just type and have no limitations, no structure, no real expectations.

I put starting in quotes because I’ve technically had a blog since I started my online business back in 2014. I was actually super consistent with it and super intentional, sharing PT-related shit. I very unintentionally created a visceral massage article that somehow ranked #1 on Google and sent a bunch of traffic to my site…none of which wanted anything that I had to offer.

I've since pulled that blog post down, but you're more than welcome to scroll back and check out the older Maestro Musings. Lord knows I don't clean anything out.

All this to say, I’ve had a blog for a long time and “starting” really means starting to use it again.

It’s interesting to be so deep in the content creator economy, viewing everything as content, and thus having every thought automatically categorize itself (or so it feels like) into the “best” medium for not only getting my point across, but for having my message received.

I haven’t been posting hardly anything on Instagram, but I’ve been steady and committed to my Monday Mafia email, my Monday podcast episode, and my Tuesday Maestro Mail email. I do also be taking to Threads when the mood hits, but I respect the character limits and I’m really not one to be actually threading.

15 parts to this Thread? Immediately no.

So, why start now?

Well, why not? But more than that, honestly because I have the time…and the thoughts.

The current political happenings have me pumping the breaks on running the Instagram Intensive (I mean…I ain’t trying to be be pumping IG and encouraging folks to contribute more to the bullshit that got us where we are today), which means less money, but MOAR free time.

So, perhaps I’ll use some of that time to get some of these thoughts out of my head and onto this blog.

No limitations. No structure. No expectations.

Maestro out.

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