

Wednesday, December 28th, 2016

Let's get those hammies and that butt going. Got some questions about drills for deadlifts and loading the posterior chain, so I figured I'd shoot a video and call it a day. In the first part of the video you see how I'm able to maintain neutral spine and adopt what would look like “good form”, but I'm just bending straight down and not engaging the glutes or hammies much. Nice little recipe for back pain right.
In the second part of the video I demonstrate a drill that I like to use to teach folks to load the hammies and glutes as they bend down. The goal here is to use an external cue (the wall) to focus on pushing the hips BACKWARDS instead of just bending down. For those gumbies out there, don't just touch the wall, hang out there and really focus on contracting the glutes and hammies and feeling it.
Remember the difference between and squat and a deadlift: squat – the hips/pelvis go DOWN, deadlift – the hips/pelvis go BACK.
Give it a shot and let me know what ya think.
Like it? Repost it. Don't understand it? Hit me up and get #Maestrofied.
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