Daily Maestroism

DM #219

Wednesday, December 28th, 2016

DM #219: Ask your clients/patients/athletes where they feel a movement when they perform it. Just because it looks good doesn't mean they're doing it “right.” I threw “form” and “right” in quotations because I do believe we need be more accepting of variability when it comes to movement, but I'm not here to discuss that right now.
Had a client today who experienced neck tightness with what looked to be “good form” during supine marches. I talk to my girl @juliavery about her less than optimal (it's all about word choice ?) hamstring recruitment with what looks to be good deadlift form. Just because it looks good doesn't mean it is good.
Watch. Feel. Ask. And not just your patients. This applies to YOU when you're moving. Are you feeling things where you're “supposed” to be feeling them or are you just going through the motions.
Helpful hint: regress to progress. When the demands are too high, compensation becomes a must, and lord only knows what muscles you're using to perform the task. Reduce the postural demands. Reduce the load. Set you and your patients up for success and make proper patterning that much easier. More difficult is not better. Better is better.
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