Daily Maestroism

DM #216

Sunday, December 25th, 2016

DM #216: Might ruffle a few feathers with this one, but I don’t care. That holiday spirit got me feeling all the things, so this gem by Greg Lehman seemed only fitting.
You’re not fixing a table. You’re not repairing a car. You’re treating a human being. Remember that. Tensegrity (look it up) and the incredible network that is fascia (and all those lovely nerves) should make you question just how ‘local’ an effect you are ever having when you do any sort of manual treatment. Let that marinate for a second… Yes, touch the area that hurts. Address the area that is dysfunctional. But take a step back and make sure you don’t look like that first year student (no offense) whose face is literally touching the patient’s skin as they’re treating because they’re so focused on the tissues instead of the person that they’re treating.
Be kind. Smile. Listen. Involve your patient in the treatment. Teach them. Explain things to them. Care about delivering the best service possible. Yes, it matters what you do with your hands, but there’s a WHOLE lot more to treating than just that.
Happy holidays.
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