DM #214: This. 100% THIS.
Spent the afternoon with @venus2bfab and she managed to put into one sentence what I’ve been ruminating over and getting frustrated by for the past few weeks (maybe months). Take it easy, people! Play, explore, get your nose out of those damn research articles, move, take a break from all the corrective exercises…chill out for a damn second and just live. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is clearly value in establishing and training ‘neutral’ positioning. But our ridiculous preoccupation with it speaks to a fragility of the human body that simply doesn’t exist.
How many times have you walked down the street and seen someone running with horrendous form, or someone else hunched over like Quasimodo, going on with their life, in no pain, meanwhile you’ve got every gadget possible to lift your arches, straighten your back, strengthen your core, and fix your neck, and yet you feel like shit?
There is more to life than the straight and narrow. There is more to movement than perfect positioning. No, you shouldn’t perform high rep, high load deadlifts with a rounded back, but you should expose yourself to those end ranges and learn how to be safe there.
There’s been a huge shift it the rehab world towards the biopyschosocial model, and with it, more of an acceptance of the variability between people as it relates to appropriate treatment approaches. We need to take the same approach when it comes to movement. There is no one-size fits all model, and humans are NOT made of glass.
Please, take a step back and don’t lose the forest through the trees. Take some time to look at movement from an even broader perspective than regional interdependence and see the HUMAN BEING that is in front of you.
Neutral is just a baseline. Don't forget that.
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