DM #207: Start moving or start dying. I get inquires from folks about which standing desk is best, and in reality, the best one is gonna be the one that gets you out of the office and away from that damn desk.
There's a reason that people often say they feel better when they're moving and then some of the aches and pains return as soon as they stop. Distraction, endorphins, sure? But let's not forget that when we move we allow certain muscles to rest and others to work. When you remain stationary you've got the same muscles working the entire time and others resting the entire time. When those muscles get fatigued we just start hanging on ligaments and joints and we'll, that's not the best option.
So, yes, concern yourself with ergonomics, but realize that the end goal should not be to make yourself more comfortable so that you can stay still longer, but rather, to get your ass moving.
And yes, there are studies that support this ?
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