DM #199: This one hits close to home today, not just because I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, but because of a conversation I had with an attendee after class today.
Stress, is stress, is stress. I don’t think I realized this until after I quit my job last year and my knee pain decreased by about 50% in under a week. At the time I attributed it to the California weather, but common sense told me better, and it was clear that the stress of my daily life was physically wearing on my body.
Despite the fact that some folks still like to divorce our different systems (physical, mental, emotional, etc) from each other, the fact of the matter is that they’re very clearly all connected and all disruption of one can and will affect another. Additionally, trying to treat one form of stress (your shitty job) by simply adding another form of stress (nonstop exercise) isn’t always the best idea.
So, if you’re having pain, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, make sure you take a step back and try to figure out just what exactly is going on. Your back pain can absolutely be caused by your annoying boss. Your knee pain can absolutely be caused by stress at home. To that end, all the stretches, exercises, and meds in the world aren’t going to make a difference.
So, what to do? Breathe. And yes, I’m 100% serious.
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