Daily Maestroism

DM #188

Sunday, November 27th, 2016

DM #188: Seems pretty intuitive, I realize, and yet I see it all the time. If you don't first correct faulty movement patterns and sequencing then your strengthening efforts will simply be going into strengthening that faulty pattern.
I'm gonna keep with the SI joint pain theme here to provide an example. If you're looking to get rid of that SI joint pain but incorrectly performing core exercises and stabilizing through your back and SI joint, that pain ain't gonna go anywhere.

If you're doing a plank and your back looks like a skate ramp (@garagegymgirl thanks for the analogy), you may be able to hang out in that position forever, but you're finding stability not by correctly using your anterior (and also obliquely and transverse oriented) musculature, but by recruiting your already overused and painful posterior tissues, including locking down that SI joint.
Take home message: if you want to get rid of pain, make sure you change your movement and use what you're actually supposed to be using. Hint: start on you back and work on that breathing.
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