DM #164: How weird do those words look?! ? Anyway, hugely important to figure out what's going on, and intervene accordingly.
All too often is see folks trying to “rest” away pain and injury that they attribute to overuse, when in fact their movement patterns suck and that pain is most certainly going to return once they get back to whatever it was that they were doing.
There are absolutely times when a person has simply done too much, possibly too soon, and they just need to back off a bit. But more times than not, technique is an issue, and needs to be addressed.
Yes, doing hundreds of pull-ups can irritate your elbows..but if you're initiating with your elbows, have poor shoulder stability, and your hips are writing checks that your shoulder can't cash (yes, I totally said that ?), that's likely more of the issue.
So, check yourself before you wreck yourself. It's only overuse if you actually know how to properly use it in the first place.
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