Daily Maestroism

DM #162

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

DM #162: ? Well…when you put it like that.
It doesn't matter if you're playing football, doing crossfit, or taking a math test, pain is NOT normal. It's your body's way of telling you that something ain't right. Our adoption of the mantra “no pain, no gain” has led us down quite the path, and now people don't go and get things looked at until a limb is hanging off or they are physically unable to stand up.
Pain is a request for change. Whether that means less weight, less range of motion, or less of that activity, ya gotta change something! How many times have you gone weeks with some pain and simply wrote it off as “oh it's because I'm training so hard” or some other nonsense reason like that. C'mon now! If someone told you that every time they picked up a fork they had pain, you'd recommend they do something about it. Don't think you're special because you play sports or do CrossFit ? Pain is common…not normal.
Figure out why you're having it. Change things up. Get rid of that pain. Fix your ?. Daily Maestroisms dropping every night at 7pm PST. Get yours.
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