Daily Maestroism

DM #156

Wednesday, October 26th, 2016

DM #156: This is something that I speak about quite often in my courses. If you see both knees caving in, or both shoulders rounding forward, look for a cause that is closer to midline.
Don't spend all of your time trying to correct the individual movement patterns of each limb. Rather, figure out why both sides are doing that. In all likelihood, there is some sort of dysfunction at that person's neck, or core or with their breathing patterns that is causing the body to respond that way.
We are inherently asymmetrical creatures living in an asymmetrical world, and as such, unilateral dysfunction should not surprise us. However, when you see something going on bilaterally, or at both the front and the backside of that person, your mind should immediately go towards looking for a cause that is more “centrally” located, and could thus affect both limbs or both sides of the body.
Remember, the nervous system always wants to feel safe, and as such, in the presence of a central dysfunction, it's going to recruit all members that are located distally to help make this safety a reality. Treat the symptoms but find and fix the cause.
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