Daily Maestroism

DM #150

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

DM #150: Ever wonder why toddlers walk around looking a bit like Frankenstein? It's to reduce the degrees of freedom that they have to control. This is a perfect example of how your body will reflexively take away mobility to help impart stability, and make your nervous system feel safe.

This is a huge concept that I discuss in my @rocktape courses, and one that every movement professional should understand. Our bodies don't want to work any harder than they have to, and doing motor control drills and strength work to gain stability means expending energy. So, it will often times take the easy way out and just lock up an area, be it joint or soft tissue. Voila, instant stability.
Remember this the next time you're working on mobility with a patient or client. They've lost that mobility for a reason. It's your job to figure out why.
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