DM #149: No, this is not a clever ploy to get you to sign up for one of my courses (although you will get CEUs ?). But rather, this comes in response to some of the comments I've seen online, where lack of CEUs becomes a major barrier when it comes to people signing up for courses.
I get it, these courses can be expensive. You've got bills. You've got kids. You've got responsibilities. You wanna get the latest pair of Metcons. I get it! But when you go to the right courses, you get a whole lot more out of them than a hefty bill and some CEUs.
The majority of the courses I take don't offer CEUs. Yeah, that sucks, but so does the CEU accreditation process, so I get it. I subscribe to something like MedBridge (which has a lot of quality stuff out there) and get my CEUs from there. In all honesty, a lot of the courses that do offer CEUs are total ?, and you're wasting your time going to them. But at least you got your CEUs, right? ? NEWSFLASH: those CEUs technically only last for the duration of your reporting period. The knowledge you gain is yours forever.
I recently wrote an article for where I discussed the importance of investing in yourself when it comes to being the best therapist that you can be. My father-in-law then shared an amazing Ghandi quote with me and I couldn't agree more: “Live as if you'll die tomorrow. Learn as if you'll live forever.” Good courses can change your life; Whether it's that you make new connections, learn a new approach to treatment, or get exposed to a new concept that leads you down a completely new path.
Courses should be viewed as investments, not obligations. Save your money for the good ones, CEUs or not. If you're not sure what the good one are, peep my website for a list of suggestions and stay tuned for an article. Invest in yourself. It's the best investment you'll ever make.
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