

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016

Different strokes for different folks…and receptors. Fast strokes to tap into pacinian receptors to bring awareness to the area and prime the tissue for movement. Great for that proprioceptive training with your chronic ankle sprainers. Slow, deeper pressure to tap into ruffini receptors and get some tissue relaxation.
All courses are NOT created equal. At @RockTape we never prescribe a one-size fits all approach, because that just ain't right! We teach the why, not just the how, and that makes all the difference when it comes to carryover and being able to apply things clinically. Want to learn more? Sign up for a course and get #Maestrofied. ——————————————–
Be sure to follow The Movement Maestro on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for all things #movement and #mobility related. Come move with the Maestro.

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