DM #138: Kipping can be your friend, or it can be your worst enemy.
Hip drive, violent hip extension, give the bar a baby, whatever you want to call it, it's a super powerful movement. This hip drive allows us to move weight, jump high, and perform impressive bodyweight feats. The caveat is that we must remember how much bigger our hips/hip musculature is as compared to our shoulders, and train accordingly.
All too often I see folks working on kipping pull-ups, kipping handstand push-ups, kipping muscle-ups etc only to end up with a shoulder problem not too far down the road. I am by no means anti-kip, but you need to earn to right to use it. Yes, it's sexy to go fast and perform what some would consider to be acrobatic feats. But if you haven't first developed the strength and the stability to control these movements, you're setting yourself up for injury.
Walk before you run. Strict before you kip. Build a foundation and respect the process or be prepared to hit up your PT instead of hitting PRs.
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