Daily Maestroism

DM #117

Saturday, September 17th, 2016

DM #117: Nola got the best of me, and I'm dropping this one a little late. Please excuse the delay!

Gonna keep it short and sweet so I can get back to the Jazz and food.
Plain and simple, if you want to work on movement, you must first manage and mitigate that pain. The nervous system ALWAYS wants to feel safe. As long as there is any sort of threat, perceived or otherwise, you're gonna move differently. It's just the way things work.
Movement is absolutely medicine, but if you got pain, that mouth is staying shut and ain't none of the good stuff going in. Throw that concept of no pain, no gain right out the window. Know pain, understand pain, manage pain, then you will know gain.

Daily Maestroisms dropping every night at 7pm PST. (Please forgive me for the delay tonight!) Get yours.
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