Daily Maestroism

DM #625

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

DM #625: Did a little video post earlier today all about asymmetries, and this was one of the main concepts I wanted to get across. So, I figured i’d make it a DM and really drive the point home ?.

Doing things with both hands or both feet (at the same time) is cool. It can be functional. Can be sexy. But when you break those movements down, and just do one side, for the whole time…well you just might be surprised at what you find.

When you isolate things you expose them. Whether that is breaking a complex movement down into its components or taking those bilateral activities and making then unilateral…if there is dysfunction, you will see it.

There’s a reason we don’t like doing unilateral stuff as much…we suck at it. So, let’s start sucking less and being more #antifragile. One side at a time. 3-2-1 GO.

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