That moment when you try the programming that @garagegymgirl sent you and feel like a real life version of a Pinterest fail ?
Oh well. Gotta start somewhere. In other news, this is what a Saturday morning in Cali looks like ☀️?? Recording yourself is always a great idea, because often times what you think you're doing and what you're actually doing are very different things ?
Movement NEVER lies, and our dysfunctional patterns will carry over into all of our movements, at times manifesting in new ways. My left shoulder dysfunction can be seen here in how quickly I move to unload it, and when viewed from the front, in my elbow flare and compensatory trunk movements.
I love correctives, but sometimes you just gotta get out there and move and play and explore your movement. Too much of anything, even a good thing, is a bad thing. Structured exercise is great and outside and play. Your body will thank you. #Maestrofied
Be sure to follow The Movement Maestro on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for all things #movement and #mobility related. Come move with the Maestro.