DM #636: One body. All the systems connected. Musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, neurological, integumentary, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, reproductive, for starters, and lets not forget the psychological side of things.
It’s all the same body. One person. And while only one system may be barking at us, you can bet your 🍑 that the other ones are involved. So, while I don’t recommend chasing symptoms and trying to do a million things at once, I am recommending that you take a step back and see the bigger picture. Perhaps that musculoskeletal pain is there because your lymphatic system ain’t so happy…and not only that, the cardiopulmonary system is struggling to meet the needs of that area. All. Connected.
My point? Consider the whole system when working with your patients. The symptoms you see will likely respond better to an integrated symptoms approach…because they’re all connected. One person. One body.
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