DM #487: The only way to make two uneven things even is to train them unevenly. ?
Been on a unilateral training kick and in the spirit of “always asking if there's a better way”, thought that this concept warranted a DM. If your left leg is way stronger than your right leg, the only way you're gonna get that left leg to catch up is if you train it by itself (unilateral work), and you train it by more.
Whether it's more reps, more sets, more time under tension…you gotta do things differently…or you're gonna end up with what ya had before.
I realize this is gonna kill those of you with OCD, (10 reps on the right and 6 reps on the left ???) but that symmetrical end product will be with it. It's ok to train in a non-traditional way. It's ok to train one side more than the other. If ya think about it, when you continue to only work bilateral movements in the presence of unilateral dysfunction, you're unintentionally training one side (the strong side) more than the other. So, ya might as well do it intentionally and fix your ?.
Alrighty, gotta get to bed. Day 1 of RockStock tomorrow! Hope to see you guys there.
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