DM #456: It all adds up.
Continuing with last night’s DM discussion, a single moment won’t do a lifetime of dysfunction…but when you put lots of those little moments together, suddenly you’ve got an entirely new life.
@hannahmoves did a post today speaking about this same concept (with a super dope visual btw) as it relates to getting treated, and I couldn’t agree more. I ALWAYS encourage folks to get assessed…but notice, I never encourage folks to stay in PT for their entire life, or rely solely on the assistance of a provider. Why? Because the amount of time you spend with your provider is just a mere fraction of the time you spend with yourself. I don’t care how much that practitioner is mobilizing your spine or loosening up whatever if you don’t actually change anything that you do on a day to day basis that got you into this predicament in the first place.
Remember, as practitioners we don’t fix, we facilitate. Which means it’s on YOU to move, and act, and live with intent throughout the day, so that the mobility sticks, the new patterns are engrained, and you continue to feel better. It’s the day to day stuff that will make the most difference…be that in a good way or a bad way. The best part is, it’s up to you.
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