DM #450: Truth bomb right there. And please, no ‘but, but, but’s’.
So, before I even touch this, go follow @hannahmoves. Dude is dropping all kinds of pain science info and it’s brilliant. Ok, now, caption time.
Pain is an experience. Plain and simple. Practitioners have been erroneously (and perhaps detrimentally) pointing at imaging and saying ‘Ah, there’s your pain!’ Umm…no. That’s a bone spur…or perhaps a slightly bulged disc…or perhaps nothing at all. Could that person be experiencing pain? Sure. Is their pain solely determined by whatever it is that that likely unnecessary imaging showed? Nope. Those physical findings are but one part of the puzzle that is the pain experience.
Now, I’m not here to say that imaging is never wanted or that all surgeons are bad. Far from it. There’s a time and a place for everything, and sometimes surgery is the answer. My point tonight, as so nicely articulated by Sir Hannah, is that WORDS MATTER.
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