DM #441: Last night's DM about stance width sparked a few questions, so I figured I'd answer them with tonight's DM.
Don't be afraid to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, the 10,000 foot view, the forest that is made up by all of those little trees. If you're assessing someone and something stands out, looks different, or just doesn't seem right…it's probably worth investing further. Sure, there are cases where it's meaningless or perhaps beyond your scope/power to change…but it still warrants a second look.
Feel free to save your genetic anomaly explanations. I get it. There are always exceptions to the rule. I'm simply trying to point out an approach that I believe should be the norm, and yet doesn't seem to be. Always standing with your legs super wide, or on one leg, or with your legs crossed…it means something. Whether that something is important and needs to be addressed, I couldn't tell ya. But a sound assessment would.
Alrighty, just about time to board flight number ✌?. Take home message: look for the big stuff and start there.
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