DM #437: To quote the incredible @drmarkcheng “when a movement pattern is truly owned, there is no sign of strain.” Brilliant, brilliant stuff right there.
On east coast time tonight so I'm gonna keep it short. If ya gotta think about a movement pattern in order to perform it, you're still in that realm of conscious functionality, and movement ownership lives in subconscious functionality. In order to learn new movements we must focus on them and practice them…repeatedly. But as we create new neural pathways, that movement pattern gets engrained and suddenly we don't have to think about it to perform it…be it an ideal movement pattern or not. Like Gray Cook says, “practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent.”
So, as long as you're still having to focus on it, ya don't yet own it. And that's not a bad thing. It just means you need more practice. Something to think about the next time your patients say that they know how to diaphragmatically breathe…and then look like they're solving an algebra equation as they demonstrate it.
Ok. Time for bed. ? —
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