DM #435: So, that should probably say “get your midfoot mobility assessed”, because I’m certain I’m going to get DMs and comments asking how to assess your midfoot mobility.??♂️ Get in and see a good provider.
Anyway, what I’m trying to tell ya is that what’s going on, or not going on at that midfoot, can and will have an impact on what’s going on up the chain, including that pinchy hip that doesn’t seem to get better no matter how much you stretch your psoas ?. (Hint, stop doing that).
Listened to a dope webinar tonight from my girl @drcourtconley (do yourself a favor and go follow her if you aren’t already), and it totally got my foot fascination going again (not to be confused with foot fetish…VERY fine line). She dropped some bombs in that webinar, one of them being a discussion about the midfoot, and it totally inspired tonight’s DM.
If that midfoot is super rigid and can’t collapse, you’re going to steal mobility from somewhere else. Now, I’m sure some of you are over there thinking, ‘but I don’t want my foot to collapse when I squat!’ ? WRONG! You don’t want UNCONTROLLED collaption (thanks @adamwolfpt for that word) when you squat. The fact of the matter is, when you squat, that midfoot has to go into pronation, the calcaneus will follow and evert, the knee will rotate in, and the hip will follow. What makes for a beautiful squat is how well you can CONTROL this.
So what the hell does this have to do with a pinching hip? Well, if that midfoot can’t collapse at all, you’re going to steal the motion from somewhere else. Find yourself utilizing excessive heel (calcaneal) eversion (collaption) to make up for that midfoot, and you’ll find your knee and HIP following suit. This means more valgus at the knee and more internal rotation at the hip. More internal rotation at the hip means less space at the front of the hip, and and increased likelihood of pinching.
Long ? caption tonight. I know. But this stuff gets me amped. If you’ve made it this far, bravo. I commend you. 100 points for you.
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