Daily Maestroism

DM #389

Friday, June 16th, 2017

DM #389: Tonight's DM inspired by the one and only @drcourtconley. I've had this one in the “potential DM” vault for a while, and her most recent post made today seem like a good day to bust it out.

Toes forward positioning is used for screening, toes out for performing. Plain and simple. Toes out to perform (loaded lifting) because of improved length-tension relationships of muscles and potential better boney congruency. Why forward to screen? Because I simply want to see if you have the mobility to perform that pattern in that position. If you can't, then I must asses to figure out why. That assessment will then show me if you have tibial torsion or femoral torsion or acetabular issues that would preclude squatting in that position. Once that's established then we can let you squat however is biomechanically most advantageous and safest for you.

If I just let you turn your feet out to squat while I'm screening you, I will miss your shitty ankle mobility. If I just force you to perform loaded squats with your feet forward without assessing you to see what's safest, I will likely give you an injury.

Take home: if your bones are twisted, you ain't squatting (or doing most things) with your feet facing toward. And that's ok. Assess. Don't guess. Square peg, round hole. No good.

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