Daily Maestroism

DM #369

Saturday, May 27th, 2017

DM #369: I hate the cold. Plain and simple.

If you've been following me then you know I've been doing some firsthand research on cold exposure over the past few weeks. While there are a number of physiological benefits affording by cold exposure, what honestly got me into it is a desire to figure out why I hate it so much, and see if I can work through it.

One of the things that has been on my radar for close to two years now is taking a cold rinse at the end of showering. I did it for about 3 days one summer, hated it, then never did it again. ??‍♂️I've recently resumed said practice, but I'm taking a different, and more logical approach…I'm easing into it.

The same way you wouldn't recommend that a new crossfitter do Murph on day 1, subjecting yourself to ice baths and freezing cold showers first thing in the morning during your initial foray into cold exposure training probably isn't the wisest if you actually want to stick with it.

What I've been doing is simply running my hands and feet under cold-ish water at the end of my showers, and honestly it ain't so bad. Truth be told, I've started to look forward to it as a bit of a pick-me-up. The plan is to progress to colder water, more skin contact, and longer duration…gradually.

My point? Don't feel the need to be the iceman from day one. Ain't no shame in easing in. Training is training is training. Be smart and you'll find that it's a whole more more sustainable.

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