Daily Maestroism

DM #343

Monday, May 1st, 2017

DM #343: You don’t need a study to grant you permission to move. You don’t need me to grant you permission to move. You don’t need a million other people to do it first so that you feel you have permission to move.

While I think guidance is an excellent thing, basic human movement and exploratory play is by no means something that we need permission to do. Just watch your kids if you need proof. Yes, there are always exceptions to the rule. Please feel free to avoid using the comments section of this post to enumerate these exceptions ?.

As an educator, one of the things i’ve come to realize is that many folks confuse guidance and explicit step-by-step direction. They take my courses in which I seek to impart general guidance, and they ask questions that speak to a desire for step-by-step instruction. In reality what they are asking for is permission to perform specific interventions. What they don’t realize is that the guidance i’ve given them, the concepts I’ve shared, the knowledge they already possess has already granted them all the ‘permission’ that they’ll need. The same holds true for movement.

Listen to your body. Draw from past experiences. Use your common sense. Move. Stop immediately asking how many sets and reps and if you’re doing it right and take a moment to just feel and experience the movement. You don’t need any more permission than that.

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