Daily Maestroism

DM #333

Friday, April 21st, 2017

DM #333: Reread that. Sit with it. Let it marinate for a second. ?

So just what the heck am I talking about? Our positions of “dysfunction” are positions of successful compensation. Those knees collapse inward because boney congruency and new length-tension relationships of tissues creates a moment of strength. Those traps hike up your shoulder because now you can clear that subacromial space get your hand above your head. Flat feet? Well now that your arch is on the ground you have something to push off of despite the fact that the muscles in your feet don't want to do their job.

My point? Dysfunction happens for a reason. Your job as a clinician is to figure out that reason. You don't have bunions because your grandma had them. You have bunions because you lack foot strength, or ankle mobility, or hip mobility and stability, or core stability, or all of the above.

Once again we see that simply treating the problem, in this case getting bunion surgery, will do nothing to fix the cause (and honestly might jack you up more ?). Find out why that compensation is there in the first place and go after THAT. How do you figure that out? As always, get in and get assessed. ??‍♂️ Good clinicians are there to help you.

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