Full Transcript: MOTM #488 How to Know What Offer You Should Create

[Transcript starts at 1:12]

Maestro: Hello, hello, hello, my podcast people and thank you for joining me for yet another episode of my favorite podcast. Today we are talking about what you should create next. What should your next offer be? Right off the bat. Thank you for the reviews. If you listen to these episodes in order, I did it at the end of last one and I was like, you know what, I'm gonna start this episode out by talking about this.

I'm gonna introduce a topic, what should your next offer be? And then I'm gonna jump right in to talking about the ratings of the reviews, cuz y'all are freaking amazing. And I wanna highlight this. Like I said last episode, I, uh, I seen Jon and I, I use their first names like I know them. I've seen Jon and Alex do this on their podcast, Give It to Me Straight. And I'm like, I love this like, let me love on my people. So today we're reading a review from Chelsea Fitness Coach. She's funny, she knows it's an inside joke. But she wrote, Tough love with a soft touch. Thursday morning motivation at its finest, short, sweet, effective. Action breeds momentum.

Nothing changes if nothing changes, and do the thing so you can get the thing done if it's important to you. Love, love, love Maestro's take on time management and action-oriented productiveness. Chelsea Savage. Parentheses, because it's always funny. Our inside joke. Chelsea, thank you. Thank you. And it's really cool with this review cuz I'm like, yeah, that is what I stand for.

That's what I, I hope you folks are taking away from it. And so it's really cool when you hear people summarize your words back to you and you're like, yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. That is exactly what I hope you're taking away. And just thank you. So if y'all wanna leave a review, I'm gonna read 'em.

If you don't like that part, I'm sorry. Just, you know, fast forward through. But, I like the love of my people. So Chelsea, thank you for that. So today we are talking about what your next offer should be. So four things to remember when you're looking to decide about your next offer, when you're thinking about creating something.

Right? Number one, wait to create. I stay saying this, wait to create. If no one is asking you for anything, do not be making anything, cuz you're not gonna sell anything. Okay. Number two, run the same thing a zillion times. The first time in the intensive of 2019. We are now going on round 14. That will launch in October.

We'll drop the uh, wait list for you if you wanted to hop on that. My Mafia, I started that in 2020. We're going on three years of doing that. Still going, same structure. And then Jill and I launched Legacy in 2021. We are gonna launch round four of that this year. So I've added a new thing, a new offer once a year, but then I keep running those things. I'm not offering, you know, doing, I'm not introducing a bunch of new offers every year. But you introduce it and then keep on going for one zillion years. Um, third thing to remember, your current customers are your warmest leads. So oftentimes when you're looking to create, you're probably gonna wanna think about, think about creating something for them.

And I should say, your current customers and your previous customers are gonna be your, your warmest audience. So looking to sell something to them, looking to solve a problem for them. And then number four, this is big and I don't think it's talked about enough. Maybe I'll do a full episode on it, although I'm not sure that there's enough content for a full episode.

But, just because someone, your audience- just because someone in your audience has a problem doesn't mean that you need to solve it. I hear people be like, oh, but somebody reached out and they were like, oh, you know, I have this X and I'm like, okay. They could Google it. Like, you don't have to create solutions.

People can solve their own problems, especially if you just don't have the volume for it. So we'll talk about different, different offers in one-on-one, and it may make sense to, you know, be able to solve that person's problem in a one-on-one capacity. But, I see people wanting to create programs and I'm like, you don't have the volume for it, and just because that person has a problem doesn't mean you need to do something about it. I think about it with my Intensive, there's no next step for people. Yes, that's my warmest audience, but there's no like, okay, well here's round two of the Intensive. I could create it, but I don't want to. So I haven't. If people wanna go into the Mafia, they can. If people wanna come to Legacy.

Often I push people into fba, Jill's program, but yes, I could create another offer. But I don't want to. So I didn't. Okay, so four things that I want you to remember when we're thinking about creating an offer, right? 

So this episode, I'm going to 100% plug my free Value Ladder ebook. It is a great exercise or provides a great exercise for organizing your current offers and assessing the diversity of your offers, right?

So, If you go to themovementmaestro.com/valueladder, we will also link that in the show notes. Thank you, Courtney. You'll be able to download that. Um, but I have broken this episode down into, or using the structure that I present in the Value Ladder as well. So within the Value Ladder, there are six levels that I have created that all of your offers can fall into, right?

One of these six levels. If we start at the bottom, that's gonna be level one. That's the free level. People are paying you in attention. That's your social media post, your content there, your podcasts, any kind of blogs. It's free and they pay you an attention. 

Level two would be an email exchange. So these are gonna be your freebies.

The thing that I'm telling you, you can download the Value Ladder, that's a freebie, that's a level two. So, so your PDFs, um, videos, you can do quizzes, things like that. Any of your freebies. Those, that get exchanged for an email, it's gonna be level two. 

Level three is gonna be paid low ticket. This is webinars and workshops.

Level four is paid no touch. This is gonna be your online courses, your diy, self-paced online courses. 

Level five is gonna be paid low slash leveraged touch, and that's gonna be group courses or memberships, right? So this is, we're get, we can have a high price point on these things. Like my intensive would be a level five, and that's 5 97. Price point of 5 97. So it's not that these are the cheap things or anything like that, this is just, it's paid and it's gonna be a leveraged model. So it's one to many. 

Okay. And then the next one up highest level is gonna be paid high touch. Within this, we see things like masterminds and of course one-on-ones. I could theoretically put one-on-ones as a level seven, but I think that they can go on level six just fine.

I will say that 99% of the time, anyone that's starting out, you're gonna start with level six, which is interesting, right? That's gonna be your one-on-one service. So because we can promise an outcome, which is why we start with that, and we also don't need a ton of volume.

You need volume to have a group program. Okay. Of note, this Value Ladder, it gets filled out as you, as your business goes and grows over time. It's not just filled out willy-nilly of like, oh, I gotta have a level three now and I gotta make level four this year. I gotta make level five next year. No, it's based on what makes sense based on what your audience is asking for, what you have the time and capacity for, and what you wanna be doing. Right. What makes sense? 

My favorite way to have people fill this out is from the bottom up. All right, so obviously we're starting with social media content first, then email marketing, then level three is where I really wanna start seeing people kind of, um, explore the, the paid part of things. And that's gonna be usually a webinar.

It's just they're shorter. You can go with that leveraged model and then we can work our way up from there. 

Okay, so three questions to ask yourself when you're thinking about, ah, I think I wanna make an another offer. Okay. Three questions. Number one, why do I wanna make this thing? Number two, what are people asking for? And then number three, what makes sense for my value ladder? AKA, what makes sense based on my current offers, right? 

So that first part, why do I wanna make this? If the answer is because people are asking and there's a need, right? Aka there's a need, then yeah, let's run with it if it makes sense based on your current offers, you also wanna do it, and you have the time and capacity to do it.

If the reason you wanna make this is because you wanna make more money and this is different than a cash injection where you're like, I need money now. You're like, I just want to increase my revenue. Then my first response is gonna be, why not run what you already have? Right? Don't make something new. Double down on what you currently have and what's currently working.

Cause I'm already assuming that you ha that the thing that you've already made, people actually want it cuz you waited to create. Alright. I'm thinking about Stu Brower right now. He has a, his, I think his Instagram is, what the fuck gym talk, the WTF Gym Talk. And he had a great post the other day, like a nice little soundbite that basically you don't start a new business cuz you wanna make more money.

You start a new business cuz you have the time and the ability for it to not work right? And to actually grow this thing. It's the same thing with starting a new product, new offer. Okay? 

If the reason you wanna make this thing is because you're capped. And you're like, I need room for more people. I just don't have the bandwidth. This makes sense then to start looking at a new offer and that new offer needs to support more people.

If you wanna make the new offer because you're bored, red flag, a little bit of red flag. It's a teeny red flag. Take caution with this one. Right? Your business is not here to entertain you. That as a quote from Jill, and she's got it from, I believe, her mastermind, uh, coach.

Um, and so largely I do like your business should be fun, you should enjoy it, but it's not here just like a constant form of entertainment. Just like working out, right? People that constantly change the exercises, you can't be surprised that they're not getting better, getting the gains than the results they want, right?

Cause they're looking for entertainment there. 

So, If you have the ecosystem, you have the customers, you have the sustainability in your business, you have the, the, the safety in your business. Like you've been doing all the things for a bunch of years and you're like, yeah, I just wanna just make something new.

Okay, cool. Then maybe we can consider making something new. But I would start off something small that's not gonna compete with your other offers, and this is where we're gonna start looking at the value ladder as well. Uh, and if you are thinking about that, you wanna make this because your current group needs next steps or the current, you know, cohort you're taking through, they need next steps, also makes sense, but this is gonna be what I call a pocket launch. 

So you're typically only gonna sell to the people that are in that current cohort, and that's gonna be very, very easy, very simple thing. And it'll make sense. Like, okay, well they went through six weeks of this or whatever, um, six months of this.

Okay, then it makes sense to have this next step. And that's like, it's really not even an offer. It's just the next step that, you're not really front facing with anything. We do it with Legacy, right? You go through six months and if it makes sense for people, they want more support, then we have a continuation. But it's not a true offer that we've created that's gonna be like a big launch. 

Uh, and then lastly, and this is kind of similar to that you're bored if you're just ready for something new, if your business is established, you know, you're good, you're, you're plugging along everything, you've been running the same things, cool.

Then I would suggest no more than one new offer each year, which you've seen what I, that I did. Jill does the same thing. We're not launching a bunch of new, big programs. It just doesn't make sense. 

The second question to ask yourself, right? The first question, when thinking of a new offer, what to, you know, if you're thinking about what you'd make for a new offer, is, why do I wanna make this?

The second question to ask yourself is, what are people asking for? So again, if we have the current group and they have next steps, cool. Then you just give 'em the next steps. It's gonna be a pocket launch and be very simple. It's not actually a full launch, it's not actually like a full, full product. We need repetition before we create a bunch of new things, which is why I'm like, run the same thing, run the same thing, run the same thing, run the same thing, run the same thing.

Listen to what people are asking for. And then again, I believe that's sort of the level three and like a webinar or a workshop and test it out there. And you're like, yeah, this thing has legs. Cool. I wanna make it into something bigger. Then you can do that. So we can take it a step back even more. We start it on social media. You do a poll, like an interest poll, see if people interested in this thing. Cool. Next you run a webinar on it. Because that's low time investment from you, low time investment from them. Yes, you can put a price tag on this thing and then you can decide, okay, do I wanna make something bigger out of this? That's exactly how I do things, and this is why I suggest it. 

The third question to ask yourself when you're trying to figure out what offer to create next is what makes sense for my Value Ladder? Right? So again, go download it. Look at it. I think for me, I'm very visual. It's easier to to understand this, but when you look at how the Value Ladder is organized by those six levels, if you see where your offers are, suddenly you're like, okay, well there's a big hole here.

I don't have a level four, level five where I don't, you know, I only have level six. Okay. Then maybe you should make something at the bottom actually, for people. Those lower priced offers, right? Typically, as they move up the Value Ladder, the price also goes up. I explain that in the ebook, but I'm gonna say it now as well.

So, when you think, when you look at this and you're looking at the Value Ladder, if you're looking to fill in the Value Ladder, then that's naturally gonna move people that are in your ecosystem, it's gonna move them along. So you can ask yourself, okay, well what would be the next step in someone's journey?

They're here, what would they want next? And I would encourage you to say like the majority of the people that are currently in my system that have paid for something, what would make sense for them as a next step? Alright. This is actually, again, a new product. This is different than taking a current product and being like, well, now I have a DIY version of it.

That's, yes, you can do that. It is very difficult to run a di version diy, do-it-yourself version of, or self-paced version of an offer that you're also concurrently running live. You're, you're basically still have to sell two different offers and you gotta sell the shit outta both of them. So I consider it more of an advanced thing.

I know I see people do it. I don't recommend it, not as a beginner, right. I would say let's look to fill out that Value Ladder and then we can worry about taking our offers and, and kind of stratifying them. Oftentimes when we're looking at creating this thing, it may mean creating a smaller group with a higher price point on it.

This is why we see like masterminds and things like that come, come to be. As opposed to just creating a bunch of competing product products, like another six week course, another six week course, another six week course. We see that that just continues to be that level five product, and we just keep doing a bunch of those and that may not actually move your audience, or move your people to the next level of, of what they want, right? There's a time and a place for these things, but I don't want you to start off by complete by creating offers that compete with themselves within your own product suite. Okay? 

So oftentimes, we start off level six. I would love for them, for people to create more level threes after that, which is gonna be your webinars.

And then from there we can look at doing kind of level fives, so kinda group programs, things like that. Level fours are DIY products and I don't love those actually. And it's really cool because Jill just, just, Jill just put out a, a level four. I consider level four. It's called TrustU and it's self-paced.

This chick has this chick invented online business and hasn't created a true like level four self-paced offer until right now, and I love this because she's in the trenches always, all of her programs, she's there with people actually teaching them and making sure that they, that they move through. She had a, maybe it was called Best of You, I'm not sure.

Um, she had another program that actually she put out years ago and she pulled it because people weren't going through it. So I shouldn't say this is the first time she's put it out, uh, put out a program like this, but she pulled back on that cuz she was like, I want people to get results. And then one of the best ways to get people to get results is to actually either hybridize the program where there's some, I shouldn't say hybridize, is to give some sort of live component to the thing, where they gotta show up and you're there and there's an accountability piece to it.

So I love that the fact that Jill's been doing this forever and just now she's really leaning into this. I see people come into the online space and they're like, I wanna make an online course. It's a self-paced course. And I'm like, you ain't got no fucking audience. You got no trust. How is people gonna get through it?

You're not gonna get any results for people, which means you're not getting get any testimonials, you're not gonna get any reviews. They're not gonna go and tell anybody about it. And now you gotta keep worrying, worrying about selling this thing. So I really like to lean on a product where you help people move through it, even if you've hybridized it right, where it's largely self-paced, but there are intermittent meeting points that would still be a level five.

It's not a true self-paced, just sell it, do it on your own kind of thing. Right? So something to think about with that. 

So the three questions to be asking yourself when you're looking to create the next offer, Why do I wanna make this? What are people asking for? My people, what are they asking for? And what makes sense based on my Value Ladder?

I can't tell you this, I haven't seen, I don't know what your products are. You can look at this, do, it's a free ebook and go through it. If you want my eyes, you want my help with this, would love to do a Maestro Meeting with you for sure. And we can build that out and see what makes sense. But this is what I would suggest you start out with.

Lastly, this is a question from my girl Beth, and I loved it, is kind of how do you rearrange your schedule then if you're gonna launch something new. So when you have something that you're thinking about making, consider the time demands of this new thing, and then you'll need to decide where it fits in based on your schedule.

And if you need to pause things, which you may need to, or you may need to move things around. This is the value in running the same offer over and over and over again. You know, how long it takes to launch it. You know, the energy demands of launching it, you know the energy demands of running it, you know the time demands of running it, you know the commitment level that's required from you.

And so you're like, yeah, I know I can launch this other thing before it or after it. It makes sense, right? You also know what you can afford to pause and kind of put off for a little bit. 

Um, when I started doing Legacy, then I went down to only launching the Intensive twice. When I first did it Intensive, I did launch it four times that year cause it was only my only offer.

And then I did three times and then I went down to two times and I switched and did like a webinar in the middle of the year. Because I had run the same thing. I knew the time demands of it, I knew how it was structured. I knew how much, what capacity I had. And so, yeah, you may need to pull back on things cause we only have a, we have a fixed amount of time.

You may need to pull back on certain things so that you can actually implement this new thing. This is also why, you know, oh, I should say the best time management advice I can give is that only one big launch per quarter. Only one new thing, new offer per year. And do not ever launch two things at once, right?

Very, very simple. So if you're thinking about launching something new, re-listen to the episode. Go through the things that I just just asked, uh, just put out there, grab yourself the Value Ladder. See what makes sense. And I really want you folks to just take a step back and, and think about business longevity.

I know we have all of these ideas and things like that, and there's a quote out there, “You can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.” So if we really just expand, extend that timeline of this business and understand like this is a long play game, then you're like, cool, I can just run this thing right now and not worry about the other thing that I wanna do.

I can launch that thing next year. And it will make more sense cause I can give all my energy and attention to this one thing here. I can get reps, I can get reviews, I can see if it's actually got some, some legs to it and then I can decide to move on to the next thing. 

Okay, so go check out that Value Ladder.

Would love to hear from you if you got questions, comments, concerns, on anything. Um, would love the reviews as well. I know I started off with it. I'm gonna end bookend the, the episode with that. Um, but this is a topic that I'm pretty passionate about cause I just see people doing too much and making their lives just unnecessarily complicated.

Do less and do less better. Right. All right. Looking at the outline, that's all that I got for you. As always, endlessly, endlessly, endlessly appreciative for every single one of you. Until next time, friends, Maestro out.

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Get on the Waitlist for Round 14 of the Instagram Intensive
Get my FREE.99 E-book, The Value Ladder

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