Full Transcript: MOTM #508: Mortality as a Motivator

[Transcript starts at 1:15]

Hello, hello, hello, my podcast people and thank you for joining me for yet another episode of my favorite podcast. If you're watching this on the YouTubes, you'll see the backdrop. It's the same, but it's different. The same, but different. This was the big announcement I was talking about. I moved. I'm looking at my notes here, and I got that little bit, that little talk about moving, it's a little bit later in the notes, but as I'm sitting here recording this, I'm looking at the screen, and I'm looking at the camera screen, and I'm like, the background looks different.

I'm actually not sure how this is going to render, if it's actually going to show as much as I see right now, because for those of you that want to nerd out, I actually squared this up using, um, I line it up using Zoom, and I'm like, it's a little more zoomed in on Zoom. So I don't know how much we're going to, I don't know.

We're going to see. We're going to see, but either way we're going with it. This is the first podcast episode that I'm recording in the new place. This episode will drop on Thursday, September 7th. And yes, today we were talking about mortality as a motivator, but first I'm going to do my thing because it's my podcast.

So number one, as a reminder, tomorrow, September 8th, that is the last day to register for round 14 of my Instagram intensive. The Instagram intensive for those of you that don't know, is my six week online group coaching program that teaches health and fitness pros exactly, I said exactly, how to use Instagram for online business.

If you got questions, you can text me 310 737 2345. You can DM me. Otherwise just hit up that sales page, the registration page, literally all the information is there. So I'm not gonna use any more time in this episode to talk about it. Um, all the information is there. Go to the registration page, just check it out.

If you don't sign up, that's totally fine. If you just want to look at it and be nosy, that's totally fine. Um, but I would love to have you if it's something that's interesting or sounds interesting to you, but remember doors close tomorrow. So let's get back to the updates and then we'll talk about mortality as a motivator.

The biggest update is like I was saying the background is different because I moved. Lex and I moved in together. We got a bomb ass place. Like this place is just this is the place of my dreams. It is actually only eight blocks from my last apartment so the only thing that we had to kind of give up and I think we're gonna talk about I'm gonna talk about this in a Subsequent episode about how you can have it all but you can't have it all at once and kind of what you know the give and take is there. But the only thing we had to give up was the actual like location. We are The same distance from volleyball.

It's actually a little faster, even though we moved south. So the volleyball is West of us, right? Cause it's on the beach. So volleyball is to the West of where we live. So the distance is actually the same, but we moved eight blocks South. And the reason it's faster is that we can take more main roads now to get to volleyball.

So it's just, it's like, you know, marginally faster, a few minutes faster. Um, but we had to give up location here. I'd rather have been north of there's a main street called Artesia. It's just like a bit quieter there. And I think that it's a zoning thing. I think that they're not just literally not allowed to build the same kind of residential housing.

So what we have where we live currently is there's a lot of what we call three on a lot. I mean, there's three units per lot. Whereas where I used to live, there's a lot of single family homes, and then those are getting demolished and they're putting up two on a lots. So two units, um, which is actually what I currently live in on this side is a, is a two, two on a lot.

Um, but I think because there's more three and a lots over here, there's just more people. So basically they've gotten rid of like the front yard and they have three units now. And it's actually interesting cause getting rid of a front yard is like, it kind of makes the neighborhood feel it's more like busy.

There's a lot more cars, the sidewalks feel tighter. Um, so, cause there's no yard to kind of like, you know, just kind of just have that breathing room. But we gave up that, but we still walk over there and it's amazing. But the place y'all, it is fucking bomb. If you've been following me on Instagram, you've seen some of the sneak peeks in the stories.

Yes, we're going to do like a full story, a full, you know, reveal of the house and tour of the house, but kind of want to wait for it to have all the furniture. We have a lot of furniture, but this place is three times the size of my last apartment. So this place is 2, 400 square feet. It's three floors. It has the gym.

It has a backyard area with turf, which is amazing. I have to, I do vacuum it because the leaves fall down and get this fucking tree. I hate it, but, um, I got a leaf blower. Um, we do have a gardener that's coming, so we'll see what they do, but I didn't feel like waiting. So I went and got that. We got three patios.

So we just got outdoor furniture for one of them. Three patios. One of them is just for grilling. It's amazing. It's kind of off the dining room. Um, but we got the downstairs patio furnished. We get the, we have to get the upstairs patio furnished. Um, it's got a laundry room. Lex loves that. We got a washer dryer, so no more laundromat trips for me and my Instagram stories.

Um, but you know, it is convenient. I will say that. But it's legit everything that I've ever. I love it so much. My office is a little bit bigger than my last one, but the best part is the sound. I'm not sure if you folks can tell, I could tell, um, but there's carpeting on the third floor. And that means that just the sound gets eaten up, which is actually great.

There's no echoing, there's no bouncing. I didn't have to sound treat this room at all. I actually spent like a million hours taking down the stuff that I used to sound treat the last room, uh, my last office. But I didn't have to do anything with that. The thing that took the mo the longest for this was actually the ba the wall that you can see behind me.

Just squaring that up. And I, I had to add one little side to it. I, in my life, you, if you watch the older videos, you'll see that I had three bookshelves behind me. I have four now. I always had the fourth. It was just on the other side of the room, so I had to move things around just a little bit. Um, that did take a long time, but the sound is so much better.

The, the carpet, I don't really love carpet, but it's brand new, so that's good at least. Um, but it eats up the sound, which is amazing 'cause there's no echo. And I don't have to sound treat anything. So that's phenomenal. I'm still getting used to that. I don't wear headphones to record these. So that does also make it still, I'm still, it's still weird to me.

Um, because I don't like having headphones on in the videos. That's why I don't wear them, but I'm just, my mouth is a little bit different distance from the mic now. So maybe there's more of those, what we call plosives, the P's and T's and such, but getting used to all of it, getting used to the light as well.

I have two windows. Lex has the bigger office. I strategically and specifically picked this one. Um, it's a four bedroom. Did I say that? It's a four bedroom, two and a half bath. It's, it's fucking amazing this place. But my office has two windows. One that's behind the camera now. That's a south facing window.

So it kind of always gets light. And then I have a west facing window. Which is not great because it's on the side of me. And so I have to close that. But the view from it is amazing. So if you watch my stories, you see, I just be posting just, I have, we're up really high. I see. I can see so far and we get really great sunsets.

Um, so I'm getting used to the lighting. Um, this camera doesn't just, it doesn't do particularly well with finding light, kind of always searching for light. So I'm working through that. Um, but I have a full ass light set up, so I'm not super concerned about that. Um, if you want to know all the things I use, you know, I got the Amazon store, amzon.com/shop/themovementmaestro. Courtney will link that. Thank you, Courtney. Um, so you can, can see all that. But I'm looking at this. I know we're like seven minutes into this. And I'm still giving an update, but I'm just so excited about it, folks. I haven't recorded live in weeks, maybe months.

I a month. I don't know. I batched a bunch of them because we were moving. Moving company we used, fucking phenomenal. Redondo van and storage. Just absolutely amazing. If you follow me on Instagram, you saw, I was doing a bunch of posts about like, not just about outsourcing, but about, um, just kind of the value around that.

And really it wasn't just about outsourcing in general. It was just about. How good movers are, so I'm going to talk and like, I, I think that maybe if I was like a big man, maybe I'd think differently, but I'm, you know, I weigh 125 pounds and I'm not big. And so carrying most of my stuff weighs more than me. So it's annoying to have to move.

And these guys just did it so fast. They, including they move the whole gym. Y'all know, I get that major gym space. Um, for those that are wondering, like I said earlier, this new place does have a gym space, which was a big, big selling feature and we are renting, we didn't buy this place. Um, there's no way.

Um, but I had to put the rack, the pull up rack, the squat rack, outside in the backyard. It just does not fit inside, but there's a pull up bar suspended, like mounted from the ceiling here. Um, but they, they moved everything. They, I had the leg press, had the linear hack squat. Um, I had the leg extension machine and this, I had the big racks.

They moved everything. And it was amazing. So it's just been wonderful. I am inspired and excited to be recording again, and we'll see how this comes out. Just sound wise, more so video wise. Thank you to those of you that watch this on the video and watch this on YouTube, but I'm stoked. I'll probably be talking about it for the next however many episodes just because I fucking love it here.

Just every day I wake up and I'm so grateful and, and just, I… I don't know. I don't have the words for it. I'm just so, so fucking grateful to live here. I love it so much. I just walk up the stairs and, you know, Lex and I just go back and forth texting each other just being like, Can you believe we live here?

Like, it's just, it's amazing to me. I've never had stairs inside of a place I lived, right? I've always lived, actually one time when I was kind of during high school, um, but like all the, like my own apartments, never. I've always lived in big cities and so. We have a lot of stairs. I get like all my steps inside.

It's three floors here. So, um, but the dog is, is, Moose is loving it. Rupert's getting used to having Moose around. Moose kind of chases Rupert, but he's been coming out more. He's not just fully living under the sofa anymore. Um, he's walking around the patio. He's doing better. So we'll keep you updated on all that.

If you follow again on Instagram, you know the Moopert. Um, that's the term coined by, uh, Cirque Physio, Dr. Jennifer Crane. And, uh, that is their joint name. But the Moopert saga, we will keep you updated.

But let's hop into the episode. Let's talk about something that Lex and I chat about quite a bit that at first she said was somewhat morbid, but then I think she's, you know, she's come to embrace it.

She's come around and it's been actually cool to see that. Um, but we're going to talk about mortality as a motivator. I stay saying that motivation is a myth and I, I believe that as it relates to like some magical thing that, that comes out of thin air and inspires you to do hard shit and shit you don't want to do, motivation is a myth. But if we think about motivation in terms of, or as a force that is dependent upon your own actions and your own mindset, then to me, it's, it's a real thing, and mortality is the greatest motivator out there. Why? Because we're all dying. Period. If that doesn't motivate you to take action and do the thing, I don't know what else will.

Something to consider. And this is where Lex was like, when I first talked to her about this, I'm like, for all my us listeners, the average life expectancy for women is 79 years. And for men, it's 73. 5 years. These numbers vary a bit. You can Google it, but like some will say like 77, but either way it's not 100.

And I think everyone out there uses their kind of base as 100 and they're like middle of that then was 50. And so if they're in their thirties, they're like, I got so much more time. And I'm like, dude, average life expectancy is 79 if you're a female, 73. 5 if you're a dude. Me, right now, I am 38 years old and I'm 38 and a half, I guess.

That was my birthdays in January. So more than 38 and a half. And my birthday is January 1st, which means that I'm very close to that halfway mark. You listening to this. Where are you? Again, I don't say this to be morbid and to be, you know, Debbie Downer, but let's get realistic and objective and clinical with this.

Like many of us are past halfway. We're at halfway. We're past halfway. We're approaching halfway. We only get one shot at this thing called life, but I think if we do it right, one shot is all we need. As an aside, I am currently watching The Wheel of Time. I'm re watching it because I want Lex to watch it and she's enjoying it.

And no, folks, I'm not gonna read the fucking books. I know the books are great, but I don't care. I'm not a reader. I'm definitely not trying to read fantasy books. I love high fantasy. I love watching it. I'm not trying to read any of it. But, uh, The Wheel of Time. One of the concepts there is that the wheel like, it like, turns people's spirits out.

It spits them out again, over and over again, but at unspecified intervals. And I love that. So like, the reason I'm saying this is that I just said that we only get one shot at this thing. And I think we do. And I like this concept of being reborn, but like, and I believe that I've had many, many lives. I feel I'm, I believe I'm very old.

Uh, but as it relates to like this current consciousness, like we get one shot at it, but it's all we need. Do it right. That's all you need. So, back to mortality as a motivator. I'm not sure how much else needs to be said in this episode. Aside from the fact that we are all dying. And, to that end, waiting too long to do something is a very real thing.

Something else to consider is what I call experience expiration dates, right? This is a concept that I kind of first, first heard about from, from, or was raised by Ramit and I was like, yeah, it's true, right? Where you cannot do the same thing when you're in your seventies that you could do when you're in your twenties.

Physically, obviously things are different, but also like your circumstances are different. Your social group is different. If we're talking about seventies, people's- your best friends may not be there anymore. Like, this is, this is science. Your responsibilities are different. Even if you think about like your 20s versus your 30s and your 40s and your 50s.

Like, suddenly you got kids and maybe you have to save for those kids to go to college. So you can't go on the same kind of trips or like, you have grandkids and you're trying to, I don't know. But either way, your responsibilities are different. To that end, the opportunity that you had for that experience may have literally expired. So do the things. 

Yes. On the flip side, there is absolutely value in waiting to do certain things until you have the means to do it the way that you want to do it. Right. For me, I'm thinking about traveling, like miss me with a hostel, not trying to do that. So I always waited. I didn't want to travel when I was younger.

I was like, I don't want to stay in a hostel. I didn't feel safe. Like. I don't, I don't wanna do that. I also like nice things. I actually just booked a, uh, a stay for, uh, for us at the Cosmo. Y'all know, I go there with Jill. Cosmo is a hotel in Vegas, for those who don't know. Um, I go there with Jill often, but I also go there with my friends, Dan and Natalie once a year and we have our annual trip coming up in October.

I just booked it today and I'm like, man, I love this. Got that Japanese soaking tub. Love it. Also, speaking of the place we're at now, the new house, I'm going to call it a house because it's 2, 400 square feet. It's basically a house. It's attached, but it's fucking huge. Um, it has a bathtub and I've taken a bath and I love it.

But what I'm saying with this point is, yes, there can be value in waiting until you have the means to do things the way that you want to do them, you know, whether that's financially or whatever. So yes, I waited until work kind of flew me for, for traveling. I went to Dubai first class because work sent me.

Um, and I had, so I have more money. I can go to hotels now. I can go and travel around places and stay in a, in a way that I feel safe, in a way that I like. Right? So all this to say, get started living your best life because we are all dying. It's not a bad thing, it's not a morbid thing, it's just the truth, right?

Get started making those decisions for you. Get started choosing your happiness. Get started chasing your dreams. I've said this before. It's not, it's not my quote. I don't know where it comes from, but it is a quote that's out there and it goes something along the lines of never avoid doing something because of the time that it will take. That time will pass anyway.

I'm thinking right now of an email that I recently received from a, uh, a young man that I taught a rock tape course to, and I, this email blew me away. He was like, it's too long to text. So I sent you an email. Hope you don't mind. I never mind folks. You send me an email because something like this, I never mind.

Um, I'm going to bring him on the podcast. And so you can hear directly from him, but basically he said he had a decision to make at some point where it was basically continue pursuing a health care path or do something else that kind of lit him up and he's more interested in. And he took that second path.

And now my man flies helicopters. I think at the time of recording this, he's probably like just about to graduate if he hasn't graduated already. Um, cause it was a few weeks ago that he sent it and I was just like, fuck, it's amazing. It's amazing. This is the reason that I started this podcast, honestly, was to, to help inspire folks to do the things.

And, you know, oftentimes by hearing other people who are doing the thing and choosing themselves and realizing that we got one life and that's okay. It's all we need. So I'm going to bring him on, but the long and the short of it is that life is shorter than we think. And I think that that is all the motivation that I need.

So real quick and hit you with a review because we're back. The reviews are back. Thank you for leaving them. I know there's a little bit of extra time and effort to actually write the things out. We have some more ratings as well, but thank you for leaving the reviews. Like. It's a very unidirectional platform, and so I love, love, love reading them.

Um, the last one that I got that I was able to read was from Reader McReadington. Um, and since then, uh, she has come forward with her true identity. Um, that's Kristen White. Uh, she's, she's fucking awesome. But I, I love that name, Reader McReader, Reader McReadington. She was like, I don't know how to change it.

I realized that was me, I didn't know how to change it. And I was like, oh. Um, also Micah gave me the heads up that there is a hyperlink in the reviews that says, see all, I totally missed it. And then I can see all of the reviews. So some of them are from five years ago. Like, yes, fucking amazing. Y'all are amazing.

I'll probably read some of those as needed. Um, but I continue to welcome the new ones. I welcome them. Y'all are the best. So today's review is from Joy E Noble E. There's a lot of E's in this thing, but. The review said, “The absolute best. If I need motivation,” funny, motivation, we're talking about motivation today, um, I didn't plan that.

“If I need motivation, positivity, an example of how to live my best life or even the hard truth, I put on Maestro. This podcast is truly the best and makes my days eleventy billion times more productive when I listen to them on the way to work. Thank you for doing the most.”

This, you just, I actually didn't, I don't read the reviews before I put them into the outline because I want to read them live so you can like hear me respond to them and I'm like, holy shit, this is great.

We talked about motivation. We talked about living your best life and creating that best life and doing it now. And it's fucking awesome. Fucking awesome. So, thank you, JoyeeeNobleee, uh, I don't, I don't know how to pronounce that, but thank you. And thank you to all of you that have left, who have left reviews and ratings and you DM me and all the things.

So, y'all are the real MVPs. Don't forget, tomorrow is the last day for registration for round 14 intensive. One more time, the Instagram intensive is my six week online group coaching program that teaches health and fitness pros exactly how to use Instagram for online business. So, if that's interesting to you, you've been looking for some help with that, tappy tap the link in the show notes, check out the registration page.

I would love to have you. I know I'm speaking fast this episode because I'm excited. I'm back. I'm creating. The space is dope. Like the sound is amazing and I'm amped. So let's keep it going, folks. As always, endlessly, endlessly, endlessly appreciative for every single one of you. Until next time, friends, Maestro out.

Links & Resources For This Episode:

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