Full Transcript: MOTM #549: How to Sell Like an Advanced Online Business Owner

[Transcript starts at 1:28]

Hello, hello, hello, my podcast people and thank you for joining me for yet another episode of my favorite podcast. If you're listening to this when it drops, it is Monday, January 29th. And we are talking about how to sell like an online, excuse me, how to sell like an advanced online business owner. I'm looking at this thing right here.
I'm not cutting that out. Leave it, Courtney. I'm looking at the outline right here and I still read that shit wrong cause my eyes were closed. I wasn't actually looking at it. But either way, we were talking about how to sell like an advanced online business owner. It is Monday, January 29th, if you're listening, when it drops and hopefully the month has treated you well, because well, it's basically gone.
So hopefully it was nice to you. Having lots of rain here. And the day as of today, when I'm recording this, if you're watching this on, on YouTube, you see like, this is the fun lighting, right? Rainy days make for the best pictures and make the best lighting. And so it's a great video as well. Uh, but having a bunch of rain, a bit of rain, and that's very standard for January.
So I don't mind. Write it down folks, write down the weather because it always comes back. Seasonality, spirality, both very real. So I do think that it's been extra cold in the rest of the company, the rest of the country. Uh, but honestly, I don't know because maybe that is standard. I don't know. But, to me, it is standard, which is why I don't live in the rest of the country.
It's why I live here in SoCal because I'm like, yes, January, it's always cold everywhere. But, um, we recently had our live event, which I'm going to, I'm going to get into with, JillFit, and there was some, you know, flight issues. So I know that winter is being winter. Um, but yeah, write it down. So I got a quick announcement and then an update, and then we will hop into the full episode.
The announcement is actually a reminder. The reminder is that registration is open for my newest brainchild, the Instagram Business Blueprint Masterclass. That is a three hour masterclass designed specifically for health and fitness professionals who want to learn exactly what they need to know to do to grow their audience, attract their ideal client, and use Instagram to build a successful online business.
It's going to happen on Saturday, February 10th at 10 a. m. And yes, there will be a recording that gets sent out, but if you want your questions answered, then you got to show up live. By the time of this episode drops, early bird pricing will have expired, which means that the price is now 147. And that price change is actually something I'm going to talk about a little bit in the full episode.
But for full transparency, or in the spirit of full transparency, I'm telling you the price now. Like the price was 97, it's now 147. Um, but I'm also telling you the price now because it's fucking annoying when people force you to go to the sales page and like dig around for it. Just like get you there and hope they can convince you.
I'm not trying to do that. Here's the price. If you want it, would love to have you and we will drop the link to the registration page. It has all the information, everything I'm going over, um, you know, how you can access the actual recording, how you can actually access the actual zoom room. All of the things are on the sales page.
There's a big ass FAQ section. So we will link that in the show notes. You can go check it out. And if you have any questions, shoot me a DM. I would love to have you there. Right? Registration closes February 9th, not 10th, February 9th. That's a Friday. So it make moves.
The update that I have is that Jill and I hosted the first event for Legacy 4. 0 and it was phenomenal, right? We do two live events every cohort, and we had the first one this past week. And it was, it was great. It gets better every year, we're able to really refine things and see what people are able to actually digest. And we can lean into that and go deeper with that and anything new that we've learned, we get to share with them.
So that was awesome. And we are both, I know I can say this on behalf of Jill, we are both super grateful for all the women who showed up and the women who continue to trust us. So if you were there, just, just thank you. We had a mix this time of newbies and alumni, and it was Awesome folks. It was awesome to have such a tangible example of not just the fact that what we teach works as we see it with the alumni, like, yeah, it works, but also this very tangible, concrete example that of the reality that if you keep going and you keep showing up, you will, in fact, get better at this online business thing.
So that is a great segue into today's episode Where I'm gonna break down how to sell like an advanced online business owner. So Legacy is for intermediate plus online business owners and during live event some of the things came up and I was like, yeah, these things should be coming up because you are intermediate plus, you're not advanced.
And in thinking about how an advanced online business owner would respond or what, you know, what they would be doing, I was like, there are differences here and let me make an episode about this. So five points that I'm going to break down for you and then I'll wrap it up, right?
First point, first way that an online, an advanced online business owner sells, first, thing that they understand, when you're selling, be selling. Um, by selling, I mean, when you're asking for the sale, AKA, you're asking for the tract, the transaction, ask for it with your whole chest. Right. When the cart is open, this should be the only thing that you're talking about. Right. The only thing you're talking about when you are selling that offer is that offer. In the beginning, right?
When you're a newer business owner, it's very tempting to apologize for offering your paid solutions. As you advance, you realize that that is largely unnecessary. You will also have better ways of corralling. I said corralling weird because I was thinking of strategy. You will also actually have to think of tactic, which I'm going to come to in a little bit.
But as you advance in your career, right, you will have better tactics for corralling attention. And so you'll be spending the majority of your time selling to interested eyes, right? You're selling to people who have literally raised their hand and said, yes, please sell to me. I want this thing. Things like lead magnets, things like wait lists that allow people to self select and be like, yeah, I want this thing.
And then you can sell and you sell without apology. But, the advanced business owner knows that if you're not selling, there's a good chance that no one is buying. Right? There's people going, they're like, I'm just gonna make a course and then people are gonna buy it and it's gonna live on my website and I'm gonna make all this passive revenue.
And I'm like, that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. And I'm gonna say that because I know that they didn't come up with that. Some fucking bullshit coach told them that online and lied to them. And it's dumb. That's not how it works. You don't just make something and people just buy it without you talking about it.
Right? Advanced online business owners understand that if you're not selling this thing- and you could actively be selling, or maybe you're running ads, but you're still selling it, right? And there's still some sort of action being put in, whether you're spending, you spent money to set up ads and all that stuff.
And then you have a funnel or something like that, which is very, very, very advanced. And well, that can be a whole different conversation, but either way, the effort needs to be put in if you're going to be, if you're expecting sales for this thing. Right.
So the next point with this is that the advanced online business owner knows that if you're like, you know what, I'm tired, I don't really feel like selling is hard.
That's okay. You just need to manage your expectations accordingly.
Which brings us to the next point of how to sell like an advanced online business owner, which is to manage your expectations by getting clinical and objective, right? In that last example, we should understand that you cannot be expecting 100 percent of the outcome when giving 50 percent of the effort, right?
I am simply, with this point, asking you to be honest, realistic, and objective with yourself, right? Online business is predictable. Why? Because conversion rates hold fairly true. Warm traffic typically converts at about 5%. Warm traffic that has been corralled, meaning warm traffic that is, uh, excuse me, people that are in some sort of lead magnet, right?
People that have said, yes, I want this thing. And, and you know, you're just speaking to them typically five to 10 percent of those people, I like to go on the lower side. 5 percent to 10 percent of those people will purchase. Waitlists, if you keep them warm, you're talking to them. This is my preferred way of selling.
Waitlists will convert at about 10 percent to 15%. You can reverse engineer that when you're setting goals. If you're like, okay, I want 40 people in this thing. Okay, well, if waitlists convert at 10%, then you need to have 400 people on that waitlist. People are out here with 27 people on a waitlist, and they're like, I would like 40 people.
And I'm like, Okay, I'm not Jesus though, so I don't know how you're gonna get those numbers. I'm all about, you know, if you want to set super high goals, absolutely. But, let's get clinical, let's get objective. The online, excuse me, the advanced online business owner will do that.
Point number three. For how to sell like an advanced online business owner is to take things seriously, not personally.
That's like a little tidbit that I, or a little line, I guess, that I got from, from Jill and she just summarizes things so, so well, right? Understand that it's not about you. The end, period. If people complain, if they don't buy, if they troll, if people, whatever, get clinical and objective instead of getting pouty. Yes, by all means, go ahead and complain to your bestie.
We all do it. Go ahead, call them up, get fucking pissed. Okay. But then we go and we look to act from reason, not emotion. Get actionable here. Put policies in place to prevent it from happening again, get ahead of it with any kind of disclosures or disclaimers or say things on the live call. Refund and block that person from future transactions.
That's a very real thing. I've done it before, but either way, the take home here is get into solution mode and then take action.
Fourth point for how to sell like an advanced online business owner is that realize the launch isn't over until it's over. If people know that an offer is coming, they know that you're going to be selling something you will oftentimes see an inverted bell curve when it, as it relates to sales. And, uh, you'll see like the most purchases typically occurring on the first and last day, like at the beginning, at the end, at the end of cart open. It is not unheard of to get 25 percent plus of your total sales on the last day. I think that Jill had said that for one of her most recent flash launches, she got like something like 60 percent of the sales, 60, 6, 0 percent of the sales on that last day, advanced online business owners understand this.
They know this they've gotten clinical and objective and written things down. So they know, yeah, this is how it works. They are going to continue selling until the very end. They're not going to cry and quit when they get no sales on the first day, or when they get less sales than they thought, or when they're in that kind of messy middle, when like no one's buying anything. They're going to keep showing up. They're going to send the last email on the last day, and they're not going to feel bad about it. Always send the last email, folks, always send it. You got to send it. You will make sales after that email. People are a bunch of last minute. Lucy's. They're waiting. Maybe you listening to this. And by maybe, I mean, probably you listening to this, you , watching this, are a last minute Lucy.
So don't get mad about the people that are like that. Send them that last reminder. They need it. Online, or excuse me, I keep struggling with that. Jeez, advanced online business owners, they understand that the launch is not over until it's over.
Last point, point number five of how to sell like an advanced online business owner, understand the difference between strategies and tactics, right?
Advanced online business owners, they get it. They understand the difference between these two things, strategies and tactics. They are in fact. different. And we're going to break that down. All right. I'm actually like really excited this year. I got something in my eye. You can see, I'm actually really excited to share this because, uh, share this point because it's, it's just fun to talk about. But strategies involve the market, right?
And when I say market, I mean both your competitors and your consumers. I know it's not competition, whatever the fuck that we want to say, but the people that also do what you do and the people who are going to buy with you, but that buy what you do. The market encompasses both of those, includes both of those. Strategies impact and affect both of those demographics.
And ultimately it is strategies that move the needle forward as it relates to business success. So an example of a strategy would be using email marketing to connect with your audience, right? Using email marketing to sell to your audience. Tactics on the other hand are methods by which you execute the strategy.
You can think of these as like tools. An example would be using ConvertKit to tag subs, to tag subscribers and then send those subscribers automated emails that are relevant to their interests, right? That is a tactic. The strategy is that you need to connect with these people using email. The tactic would be the email software that you use more advanced tactics within that, you know, little tricks that you can do like tagging.
Advanced online business owners, they understand the difference between strategies and tactics and they don't get shiny objects. Wow. I knew, I knew that was going to tongue tie me. Advanced online business owners, they understand the difference between strategies and tactics and they don't get shiny object syndrome.
That was so hard. Shiny object syndrome when new ones are marketed. They're able to identify what's a tactic and where it fits into the overall strategy, and if it would actually be helpful for them, right? They're able to assess, to assess current strategy, their own current strategy, identify any needs, any gaps, any problem areas, and then they can decide if new strategies that are being presented would address those needs and problems.
Or if it's just, hey, that's another strategy that also works, but it's not going to work for what I'm doing, or I don't want to do that, whatever. Overwhelm and shiny object syndrome is actually something that I saw quite a bit. at Legacy this past weekend. And I should. They are not advanced online business owners, right?
They are still working through the difference of, the difference between strategies and tactics. They're still getting exposed to a lot of strategy, right? A lot, to our strategy. They're still getting exposed to all the new tactics and all the, rather all the tactics that are out there. And so I do expect to see some of that overwhelm and shiny object syndrome where you're like, Oh, that, that, that, that.
But Jill and I make sure to explain to them where everything fits. We identify what's strategy, what's tactic, what's a tactic. We help them identify what they specifically need to be focused on, and then we support them as they go through it, right? So they can learn firsthand what's the strategy, what's a tactic, what do they like to utilize.
And then when other things are presented to them moving forward, they'll be able to identify, okay, that's a strategy. Don't really need that one. I don't like that approach. Or that's the tactic. I do like that. I'm going to implement that here because it fits within my current strategy.
So if we zoom out, right, those are the five things that I've noticed that advanced online business owners do or how advanced online business owners think when it comes to selling.
If we zoom out, I just want people to understand like this isn't about being some aggressive sales shark or like whatever other negative term you assign it, right? When we tend to think about selling, people kind of get in their feels, and then I also think that people, you know, apply this like very binary approach where you either believe that things have to be one way or the other, right?
You're either Jordan Belfort from Wolf of Wall Street, or you need to apologize for existing after you ask someone to buy the thing that they fucking told you that they wanted you to create, right? That's not how it is, right? You can sell while still relating to people. You can sell and be a good person.
You can sell and make money and make a lot of money and not be a complete asshole that's completely detached from reality and is like trying to like send yourself into space. What I've shared with you in this episode is simply five ways that I have noticed that advanced online business owners sell, whether or not you do it, it's up to you.
But hopefully, or perhaps maybe it's opened your eyes to some things that you perhaps want to change or want to work towards in your own business.
All right, looking at the time and that's all that I got for you. Don't forget registration for the Instagram business blueprint masterclass closes, or excuse me, it's open right now.
And yes, since we've been speaking about advanced business owners, there is a more advanced way to show up on Instagram. There is a more advanced way to use Instagram for online business. And if you want to learn it, that's what I'm going to be. All right? All right. Registration for that closes February 9th, so please make moves.
All the things are in the show notes or down below if you're watching the YouTubery. All right. Gonna wrap it up here. As always, endlessly appreciative for every single one of you. Until next time, friends. Maestro, out.

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