Full Transcript: MOTM #552: 3 Steps to Make Sure You Never Run Out of Ideas for Content

[Transcript starts at 1:45]

  Hello. Hello. Hello, my friends. And welcome back to another episode of my, a favorite podcast. So I'm going to jump right in and ask again, because you know what, if you don't ask, well, the answer's oftentimes no, uh, but if you've podcast, do me a solid and leave me, please leave me a rating.

It does help people to find the podcast. Uh, you know, I usually don't push it too much, but it's nice to do it every now and again. And I encourage you folks, if you are creating stuff, you're putting stuff out, go ahead and ask for reviews. Go ahead and ask for testimonials. Give other people the gift of going second.

And what I mean by that is when, you know, people like reviews, they like to read somebody else's experience. And so they, you know, they're not going to die or whatever, and then they can go and give things a chance. So would be super helpful for me, cost you zero monies. If you could leave me a review, if you're like, that shit takes too long.

I understand. Uh, if you could just, you know, tap some stars, preferably five, that would be. Amazing. Okay. Let's move into the actual episode, which we're talking about content, which I just kind of talked about, you know, a few seconds ago, talking about how to never run out of ideas for content. So in all actuality, truth be told, this episode is Not necessarily focused on this, on this idea of always having ideas for content, but I thought this would be a better title than something like the speed of implementation or you know Connecting the dots because when you when you create and use those kind of more nebulous Titles I think it can be confusing for people.

So I tried to make this one like, hey, here's an actionable, actionable thing, tactical thing, which it is. Uh, but you already, you folks already know you're going to be getting more than that. So this episode fully inspired by a dinner, a mafia dinner that we had last week with the incredible, ever incredible Winnie Lingovic.

And she came in and talked about the creative process and, you know, just blew the roof off the house. And The big take home was, let me summarize it for, for you. The big take home was this three step approach of collect the dots. Connect the dots and communicate the dots. And I loved this, particularly for that last point of actually communicating the dots, and then for the overarching theme that it's all connected, right?

It's my goal that I help you in some way, tip the scales and, you know, trend towards creating more than you consume. People who tend to get stuck exactly where they are stuck in place. They are collectors. They collect information, they collect, collect, collect, and they become kind of like hoarders of information.

And, you know, it can be under the guise of perfectionism and whatnot, but. You're not going anywhere, right? I can watch all the videos of volleyball ever, but until I go and play, I'm not going to get any better, right? They can help and they can be helpful, but the thing that's going to move me forward is actually creating and actually doing that thing.

So in that three step approach that Winnie presented of collect, connect, and communicate, that last part is what we really want to be focusing on and moving people through the steps. From collecting, reading all the books and listening to all the podcasts, including mine, I'm grateful, but also I want you to go do the fucking thing and move people into that, uh, communicating segment.

And that can be, you know, used interchangeably with create. So I would say collect. Connect and then create, communicate, uh, create, same thing. Um, so the big thing that ties into the title of this episode of how to never run out of ideas for content is that connecting portion and Whitney actually. You know, how did this for me?

I didn't realize that this wasn't as intuitive as I kind of thought it was. Uh, and that's my fault because I kind of say and talk about this, but I have never been so pointed and direct as she was. And I was like, fuck, I have done my people a disservice. So my apologies. Cause one of these, I say is I'm like contents everywhere, like literally every part of your life.

Is content and this is why I love, you know, Instagram stories because you can just actually literally be filming and showing every part of your life. But to me, every single part of the, every single thing that you do becomes content. Not that you need to present it exactly as it is and just be like, I'm filming this part.

But when you connect it to what your messaging is, it becomes content. And that is the magic. That is how you never run out of ideas for content. So I've always believed that the best physical therapists were the folks who could most easily identify. And this way, you know, something like gate, you kind of, you know, the pattern of a more traditional gate, and then you know the patterns of deviations.

As soon as you know a pattern, it becomes that much easier to see when something breaks that pattern. And then you can identify that thing, and you can, in this case, you know, for PT, you can intervene accordingly. If you take this same idea of noticing patterns, noticing how it's all connected, noticing how things are related and apply that to content creation.

I believe the folks who never run out of content are the ones who are most easily able to identify these same patterns and understand how everything is related, everything is. Connected. So, you know, for example, you know, just pulling directly from, from my own experience, I started playing volleyball. And what did you folks start seeing a ton of content about?

The lessons being learned from volleyball, but how they related to my overall messaging of doing the thing, putting in the work, being dedicated, being consistent. These are things that I was teaching about and talking about as it relates to, you know, online business and using Instagram for online business, but I took that same message, that same theme, noticed the pattern, connected the dots between the two, and then communicated.

That to you created content around that for you. So the, the goal for you, for you folks. And basically what I did is I skipped a step. And so I, again, I think I'm thankful for winning for. Being like, okay, let's point out that step because you folks know when you're in something and you just, something comes naturally, sometimes you forget and you're just like, oh yeah, just do that.

And then people are like, but how? So big shout out to Winnie for breaking it down and being like, yo, Maestro, slow your roll here. But it's that middle step of connecting. So before, when I would say, you know, content's all around us, I was going from collecting to creating and encouraging you to do the same, which some of you could do.

Awesome. For those that may be struggling, you're like, yeah, but what? And like, I can't, you know, I'm running out and like, what am I going to say? You need to have that middle step and you to identify that, which is connecting how, what you've collected relates to what your message is for your people. Right.

Because you don't want to be jumping around. I'm not going to go and teach about volleyball one. I'm not an expert at that. So that's dumb. Right. And also, number two. That's going to be confusing for my people. They're like, wait, you're trying, you said you helped me with this. And now you're trying to like do this thing that you're not even that good at.

Like this is, that's not a good business model. So you do need to have parameters and boundaries and have focus there. But to make this tangible and tactical for you, instead of going from collecting the information to creating content, you got to have that middle step. I want you to identify and realize and be conscious and cognizant.

Lots of Cs in this episode, be conscious and cognizant of that middle step, which is connecting the dots, connecting how the information that you just collected is related to what you want to create or it's related rather back that up, how it's related to the message that you typically Provide, and the service that you typically provide for your people, right?

So the more you do this, right? The more you create, which is why I want to trend things towards that, that side of that, of things, the more that you create, the easier the connection, the connecting becomes, right? That's why I skipped over that in terms of like creating this kind of steps for you. And I just kept saying there's information, contents everywhere.

Because I just do it so readily because I do it so much. This is why I encourage folks to post every day because then you start to see the world in terms of content. Because you're like, Oh, that could be content. That could be content. But for those of you that are just starting, you need to take a step back and say, How does what I just consumed relate to my messaging?

Another point here is that the more that you work on creating, the more that you tip the scales towards creating. The less time that you have to be collecting information, which is not a bad thing because when the, when the scales tend, you know, towards the other, they trend towards the other direction when you're collecting and all you're doing is reading books and listening to podcasts and things like that, you don't have the time to actually go and create and build and learn as you go.

When you move towards the creation side of things, that connecting piece, it happens in an instant, it happens much faster, and you'll start to see that you can learn from anything and everything around you. So, it's pretty cool, and I feel like you kind of exploit the process. Because one, all those fucking, like all the books out there that are about most of the, you know, set topic, they usually all say the same shit, right?

All the marketing books out there, they're saying the same shit. But you never have time to realize that because you never give yourself time to connect the dots and create something. Which, remember folks, that, that step is, can be so close and interchangeable. Because sometimes you create and then you're connecting as you create.

And sometimes in connecting, you create. So they're so, so, so, so close, right? But on the other side, we have that collecting, collecting, collecting. Again, the beautiful thing is that when you make time, make, make a concerted effort to connect the dots between that information that you're taking in and the thing that the message that you want to be sending, the easier it becomes to realize that you are literally collecting information all the time.

Oh. So, you know, I, I had put this up as a, an Instagram post, and I'm going to pose this to you as a homework challenge. I want you, and this is again, directly influenced by. By Winnie. I want you to take the last piece of content that you saved, that you highlighted, that you took a screenshot of, the last paragraph you circled in a book.

I don't know if you're still reading hard copy books. I don't know what you're doing. But the last piece of content that you marked in some way, shape, or form and made a note to be like, yo, this is important. I want you to go and I want you to create something from it. And then I want you to let me know what you did.

If it's on Instagram, cool. Just tag me. If it was an email, then shoot me a DM and let me know. I need you to start getting practice in moving yourself out of that collecting phase. Because people be having like a billion notes, and you know, I have a lot of them. I keep them separated into folders. Folks do that.

It's very helpful. Uh, but they just be like collecting so much and reading all the books and not doing the thing. Change comes from doing the thing, not from reading about it. Not from listening to a podcast about it. And while I will 100 percent support you, you know, acquiring knowledge and trying to better yourself in that way.

If you want to change, if you want to actually get shit done, if you want to move forward, if you want to make progress, you have to take action. You have to do the thing. You have to do more than just collect the dots. You have to connect them and then create. Or, in Winnie's case, communicate. Alright, so your homework.

Again, take the last thing that you saved, circled, highlighted, whatever, and create something from it. Just a little like, I don't know, a little tip, because again, like I said, I did this, I posted this on Instagram and some people wrote in and they were like, you know, the last thing I saved was a picture of a, it wasn't a picture, it was a reel of cats doing funny things.

And I was like, you know what that means? It means that you want laughter and you want a little bit of light heartedness, which means your people are probably looking for the same thing. Share that. That could be a story that you, that you share, like you're just, you know, posting something to your stories, you could just share that reel to your stories and then put your spin on it, right?

Where you just put, you add your two pennies to the bottom and be like, you know what, I needed this today, thought maybe you might too. It's funny, right? Or maybe you go and do a podcast episode about that. That you're like, yeah, I've been saving a lot of cat videos and uh, Because it make me feel better, make me smile and maybe you need that.

And, you know, here's a tip. Here's what I do when I feel like I need. A smile, like go and look at cat videos. That is content there. You're helping your people out and telling them, Hey, here's a strategy for when you feel down. So obviously this needs to tie into again, what your original messaging is and your product, your service, what you actually do for your people.

But I know that I could spin that in a second into content and communicate how those dots that were collected tie into, or are connected to my. The main message, right? There's a reason that you save the things that you save. I'm going to borrow a line for a V for V for Vendetta, which really that movie just hit way too close to home during all the Rona stuff, but in the, in the movie, he says, there are no coincidences, only the appearance of coincidences.

And I truly believe that you're not saving these things. You know, randomly, I'm thinking about the people in the mafia listening to the call. And, you know, one of them was like that she, that she saves tends to save a lot of like architecture things. I think it was her interior. And I think it was maybe interior decorating kind of stuff.

And on the call, she was able to be like, Oh, I see how that relates to what I do as a trainer. And I was like, yes, that is exactly it. This is how you literally never run out of content because everything around you.

There are no coincidences, only the appearance of coincidences. So, if you're a bit newer to the game, I want you to add that third step and take a moment, take some time to actually connect the dots. So you're collecting them. You probably already have a shit ton of dots. Now I need you to take action and say, how does this thing that I saved, this thing that I circled, this passage from this book that I underlined, how does this connect to what my messaging is, to what my service, my product is, to how I help my people?

And then you go and create. Or as Winnie would say, you go and communicate that to your people. All right, I think that's it. I really, really enjoyed this episode. Like I really enjoyed this one. Winnie, if you're listening, big shout out to you. Thank you for helping me connect the dots there. Uh, and for you folks, one more time through, collect the dots, connect the dots, and then communicate or create.

If you got any questions, please slide on into the DMS or remember you can text me. A few of you take me up on it. And every time I smile so big, because I'm like, see, I am real. I am real. So, uh, that number is 3 1 0 7 3 7 2 3 4 5. I rolled my three just for you. All right. 3 1 0 One, two, three, four, five. Your homework, take the last thing that you circled, that you saved, that you highlighted, that you bookmarked, whatever.

Connect the dots and then create something. Could be a post, could be a blog, could be a reel, could be a podcast episode. I don't care. Just go and actually create. Let's tip those scales. All right, officially wrapping it up. Until next time, friends. Oh, wait, one more thing. Thank you. I always, I always, it's very important to me that I end the episode and say thank you because you give me your time and That is honestly just incredibly, incredibly valuable to me, and I'm incredibly, incredibly grateful.

Okay, until next time friends, maestro out!

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