Full Transcript: MOTM #598: The Triangle of Truth

[Transcript starts at 1:53]

Hey guys, Maestro here and welcome back to another episode of Maestro on the Mic. As always, endlessly grateful for you guys tuning in. So today's little lesson or talk, whatever comes from a lesson that I actually learned. From watching The L Word. So if you're not familiar with that show, look it up. But, anyway, this, this Particular lesson was like quite many years ago.

I don't even know what season it was on, but Bet was talking to the contractor and the contractor drew a triangle and was like, here's the deal when it comes to products and services, right? So I want you guys to do this. If you're driving, please don't do this. But if you're not, do this. You're going to draw a triangle, right?

An equilateral triangle. Looks better that way. On one edge, you're going to write the word fast. Oh, my voice went away, excuse me. On one edge, you're going to write the word fast. On a second side, you're going to write the word cheap. And on the third side, you're going to write the word good. All right. So you should have a triangle in front of you on a piece of paper, three sides of the triangle.

One side says fast, one side says cheap, and one side says good. Now, when it comes to products, you can have two sides of that triangle, never all three. All right, so this is products and services, realistically, all right, you could have something delivered that is fast and good, but it will not be cheap.

All right, you could have something that gets delivered and it's cheap and it's also good, but it's probably not going to be delivered quickly. It'll be on whatever time frame they want to get it. Maybe it's your friend doing it for you or something, right? We've all had that. And lastly, you could have something that is, what is it?

That is fast and cheap. All right, but it likely will not be very good. All right, I had to take a second there to look at the three sides there. So we said first scenario, it, it gets delivered quickly, right? It's fast and it's high quality. It's good, but you're probably going to have to pay a lot of money for that.

Second scenario, it could be cheap, right? Pretty inexpensive. It could be really good quality, but you probably will not get it delivered quickly. It's probably gonna take some time. And then the last one being that it can be delivered quickly. Alright, fast, and be cheap, but it's probably not going to be good.

Alright, so as it relates any kind of product, services, things like that, you want to remember this. Now the reason that this came up when I've been thinking about this is that I have been seeing some folks being upset about the Just the sheer grossness of stuff that's out there in the coaching world.

All right. So I'm, I'm a lot more in the digital space now, a lot more in the business world now, and you know, it's actually a good thing that PTs are still just entering it now because you've kind of shielded from all this shit that's already there, but people are like hosting masterminds and they're hosting, you know, they're doing coaching and they are charging out the internet.

Ass, and they are not delivering, right? These people just have zero integrity, and they promise things, they are, you know, good at writing copy, and they just harp on people's pain points, and they get people on the phone, I guess, and they close these deals, and people are just paying so much money. So, I kind of wanted to address this from two Ways, and not just bitch about it, but also provide a solution.

So, one, it takes two to tango. I'm not all up in arms about people, the fact that they're doing this, because I'm also looking at the people that it's getting done to, and I'm like, you had an active role in this. So, maybe that's like, you know, not very empathetic of me, whatever. But you did right in this modern day and what we're talking about where people are getting scammed.

It's not like it's like you're in a foreign country and you don't speak the language and you need like medical help and they're like scamming you. Like that's not what's happening right now. This is educated people that are looking for shortcuts and getting taken for a ride. So, you know, I hear people, I feel like people might not be like, Oh, but they're not looking for shortcuts.

And maybe not, but here's my solution for you guys. Take that triangle. Whatever you do and look at it. If someone's pitching you something, it's like, Oh, you know, you're going to get a million followers in six months. Like. You can't have all the sides of the triangle there. All right, cool. So you can get the followers quickly.

It's the fast side. It's either going to not be cheap, probably cost a lot of money. And realistically, you're probably not even going to get good followers. So you probably only got one side of the triangle with that. Remember, you can never have all three sides, especially when it relates to something that involves other humans.

So I had a really long conversation last night with a guy who slid into my DMs who was trying to sell me something and then I actually wound up coaching him for an hour, uh, because he's just getting really bad advice. But, uh, this, this came up because as it relates to people, We are in the business of trust, whether you are a personal trainer, a physical therapist, a massage therapist, it doesn't matter, you're working with people, you are in the business of trust and trust takes time.

You can never get something quicker. There's no way to expedite that, right, except for just delivering. And it's still going to take that person as long as it takes. So perhaps you can expedite it in terms of. if you're comparing it to like just shitty tactics of like this guy was doing like actually not even getting to know me not even just not even doing any kind of connection so that is actually a very slow way to do things because it's never going to convert at all whereas we can expedite that a little bit by actually being a decent human and human and having conversations but that is not fast like i said i actually take DM'd with him for probably an hour.

He ended up being a really good guy. He's just really misguided. But that, that's not fast. That takes time. That takes that commitment and that, uh, investment on, on your part. So if you're thinking about signing up with a coach, if you're thinking about investing, look at the triangle and see what this person is delivering.

And then get on the phone with them and ask, actually ask them about their results. Like, so the guy that I'm talking to last night, I was just like, Have you actually ever done what you're promising for someone? And he was like, uh, no, not yet, but that's why I want to work with you so I can get a case study.

And I was like, this is. Like, and then I, you know, I unpack it a little bit more and I can dig in a little bit more and it's like, this guy's getting taught by some other guy who's using this strategy and this, the guy who's using that strategy, right? The guy who's coaching him is likely only making his money by providing empty promises, right?

He's not actually getting results for anyone. He's just saying, Oh, I could teach you how to get results. And then you can get results for other people. And so people are paying money for this empty promises. All right, so, no, I don't really care that people are out there doing it, like, it's, it's bad, but it's also there because people are buying it, right, supply and demand.

If people keep accepting it, if people, people keep being okay with it and paying for it, well, then it's not going to go away. So instead of me, you know, devoting a whole episode to being like, there's bad people out there, which we already know, I want to give you a solution here, which is the fast, cheap, good.

Remember, when it comes to, you know, goods and goods and services, products, you can only ever have two sides of that triangle. You never get all three. And when, as it relates to working with people, really nothing happens fast because we are in the business of trust and trust is the key. Takes time. All right.

So you guys know the connection way is the best way. It's the long way, but it's also the short way. You're going to get invested people. You can get people that, you know, you actually care about that actually care about what you're providing. And it just, it's Remember, you attract, or we attract, what we are, not what we want.

So if you're leading with these sleazy tactics, if you're falling for these sleazy tactics, do better, do better. If you need help kind of parsing it out, feel free to hit me up and be like, what do you think about this? I will give you my 100% Unapologetic opinion on things. I do believe that coaches can benefit from coaching.

I do not believe that everyone needs to hire a coach. I think that people also pay for solutions to problems that they don't actually have. And they view that monetary exchange as them actually doing something when in fact, just spending money. They're not actually moving towards their goals, right? You have to actually do the thing to get Okay, officially gonna wrap it up.

Draw the triangle out fast, cheap, good. Remember that you only get one. What am I saying? Remember that you can only have two sides of that triangle, never all three. All right, I think that's all that I got for you today. If you liked it, leave me some stars, preferably five. If you loved it, you know what to do, subscribe.

It does help the people to find me. The podcast, officially wrapping it up this time, as always, endlessly, endlessly grateful for your support, your time, your everything. Thank you. Until next time, friends, maestro.

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