[Transcript starts at 0:59]
Hello, hello, hello. My podcast people, and thank you for joining me for the final episode of 2024. Don't be crazy. This is not the final of everything, just the final episode of 2024. So if you're listening, watching, tuning in on the day that it drops, it is Monday, January 30th. Hope you had a great holiday season.
We had the Chris Mika. Hanukkah, but I don't know the combo word because they fell on the same day, which is dope. So if you celebrate those things, I think Kwanzaa maybe started the day after, I don't really know. I don't know. Uh, but we had a lot of holidays starting at the same time. It's nice. So hopefully you had a good holiday season.
If you celebrate, um, we are currently, you know, as of today, you're listening to this in the tail end of the in between time, right? Which is like the time between Christmas and New Year's people are like, I just eat a lot of cheese and I don't know what day it is. And I'm like, Oh, interesting. Uh, but we are also two days away from my 40th birthday.
So. Happy early birthday to me. Um, today I just want to wrap up 2024. Nothing super profound for you folks. No, like, Oh, my 40 lessons from my 40th birthday and my 24 lessons from 2024. None of that. I literally just want to wrap it up. Uh, we have Rupert with us. We got, you see who I got on my shirt, got Kendrick with us.
Shout out to my guy, Jojo for the awesome present. Uh, but we're going to do a few announcements and then some updates and then we'll hop on into the actual meat and potatoes of the episode. So the announcements, two of them for you. Um, remember, um, that's number one. Remember moving forward, starting in 2025.
AKA next week, uh, we will only have episodes on Monday. I'm going to remove the throwback Thursday episodes, and it'll only be one episode per week, every Monday, new episode, YouTube video as well. So this same thing that you're seeing right now will continue through 2025, but I'm going to get rid of the Thursday episodes.
What will I do with that time? Who knows? Who's to say? Uh, but it's been, you know, like six plus years of twice a week, and it's been a good run, and now we're dropping it down. I feel like Forrest Gump, where he was like just running, he was like, I'm tired. So I'm going to go home now. Uh, so I'm going to drop down to once a week, just the Monday episodes.
Um, so yeah, don't forget about that. So there's no Thursday episode this week, all right. We're done with that. Uh, the second announcement is a bit of a bigger announcement and that is that I'm going to be doing a formal push for my mafia. So I have mentioned the mafia before. If you listen to this podcast, if you're in my ecosystem, you've, you've heard of the mafia.
I haven't really done big, big pushes for it. And so I started the Mafia in 2020 and we've been going strong since then. When I started it, the intention was more of like a movement and an online business community, because I had seen firsthand if I can get people in a room, even if it's an online room, like this is magic.
And I had people ask me questions and I had, you know, I'm privy to a lot of people who want to help me and who want to offer their services. And I was like, I couldn't, I have the ability to bring these amazing speakers in, like, let me make something with this. Uh, and so I launched it in 2020. I put in a lot of fucking work to build the actual, like, the architecture for this thing and the, uh, you know, the website and all that stuff and built it out with, um, a different Joe and about one month into having it COVID hit.
And so it's been pretty much all online business. And although we did do a little bit of movement stuff in the beginning, I think I had Anna come in and talk movement stuff. Um, but it has been pretty much all online business since then. And everyone. that's in it is in the health fitness movement space in some way shape or form.
So people will ask recommendations and things like that. Um, but as I was doing my end of the year reflections about, you know, life, business, things like that, I was just like, what do I want to do with the mafia? And Stopping it didn't feel right. So those of you that are listening to this and they're in the mafia, it wasn't like, what do with this thing?
Like, it was just like, what do I want to do with this? Do I want to go all in on it? Uh, I don't, stopping it really didn't feel like a possibility, like a viable thing, but coasting didn't seem like the answer either. It was like, just continue doing the same thing. And it was just like, that doesn't, that doesn't feel like, and something needs to change.
Because it's, by no means is it no work, right? Like Sun, that's my Sunday task is to do my mafia stuff. And then once a month we have the dinners that either I'm running or bringing someone in and sometimes I make someone in, I'm still doing it kind of podcast style. So there is work to be done with this.
And you know, I got Erica in there, one girl ewe in there as the moderator. And it's like, there, there's work. You know to sustaining this thing and it's like what do I want to do with this? All right And so we have these dinners and every time we have these dinner dinner Once a month every time we have the family dinners.
I'm just like fuck this thing is good This thing is special. These people are special and I I don't want to get rid of this I can't get rid of this and just like So, you know, the discussions we have in there, it's more than just online business, right? It's about the people behind online business. It's, you know, putting the person in a personal brand.
It's life advice. It's, you know. You know, people bringing in their own lived experience and their own life experience. It's people helping other people do life. I'm thinking about questions that were asked today. Cause we had a meeting. We had our second dinner of the month in December. We do two, two dinners.
We had our second dinner month and just the questions that get, that get answered in the discussions that are had. And it's like, this is just fucking special. I've been part of a lot of stuff and. This is different. And so we have these dinners and I'm just like, I want to do something with this. So I had some chats with J pop.
I had some chats with Rachel and LJ and, you know, I think about my word of the year, which is root, and I was like, you know what, I want to lean in. That's what I want to do with the mafia. I want to lean into it. So, you know, I'm not trying to grow this into something like, you know, massive behemoth of a thing, but I do want to make a concerted effort to let people know that this thing is happening.
exists and to formally invite people in. So spoke with my mafia today. I asked them for help and they gave me great feedback on like, you know, suggestions and offered their help in inviting people in. Uh, so I'm going to spend the next week or so revamping some stuff in there and organizing some stuff and largely looking to create what I'm going to call a supplemental curriculum for how to start grow and sustain an online business.
And then I'm going to formally invite people, you people watching this, listening to this to come to our first family dinner of 2025, which is going to be Wednesday, January 15th at 4 PM. So what we're going to drop in the show notes this time. Thank you. Courtney is the link to get on the interest list so that you get the official invite, um, for that free dinner is going to be totally free, but.
You know, I was talking to the folks and we were brainstorming like what's the best way for people to really try before you buy and to really get a vibe for what this thing is about. And it's not to like be poking around the dashboard or anything like that. Yeah, that's fine. But the real magic is in the dinners and getting to see what we do and hear from the community and see what loveseats are about.
So we're really We're going to invite you to join. I'm going to have the people in the mafia said that they would ask their people. So I'm really excited about it. If that sounds interesting to you, again, the interest list will drop that in the show notes. Thank you, Courtney. Uh, thank you, Jojo. And I will probably do a full episode coming moving forward.
Just about with more information about it. But I just wanted to put it on your radar. Right. Now that it's been officially decided and the mafia is like, yes, we want you to do this. I'm like, let me put this on your radar. If you are looking for a resource. For how to grow or rather how to start how to grow and how to sustain an online business and do so in a way That actually feels good while being supported by and also supporting a group of people who actually fucking get it The mafia might just be for you, right?
I mean, perhaps if you've tried other groups and you're just like I feel gross It's all about the money It's all about growing to be the biggest and have the most which is fine if that's what you know They want but if you're like this isn't for me the mafia You Just might be for you. So add your name in the list and then stay tuned for more details Yeah, so those are the announcements.
We've gone to life updates and then we'll get into the episode or the summary of 2024 the breakdown the wrapping up of 2024 so Life updates really the only life update that I have is that we took moose to Lex's parents house in upstate, New York So by took moose, I mean we first Blue Moose, uh, to upstate New York for Christmas.
And it was a success. Perhaps you saw, you followed along on Instagram. Um, Moose is registered as a service dog. And I believe it was like earlier this year, like basically all of the airlines switch their policies. So you don't have to pay. If you have a service dog, a registered service dog, you don't have to pay or anything like that.
They can come on the plane with you. Much easier if you have a smaller dog. Moose is 50 pounds. Uh, but she's so well behaved. Like she's a very good dog. As, as much as the walks frustrate me, she's a really, really good dog. Really good dog. Uh, so she came on the plane with us. Uh, we had connecting flight to get there, of course, and it's connecting flight to get home.
So one of the legs, we had the bulkhead and one of the legs, we had the like more legroom seats and she actually did better in the more legroom seats. So now we know, I don't really like the bulkhead. I've never liked the bulkhead cause you can't put your bag under there, but it's just like, I don't like it.
Um, so she actually like really likes to den and like get into small spaces. So it was kind of like, fuck my legs. Uh, but at least she got to lay there and it was great. And she just laid, people didn't even know she was on the plane. Um, so she did really, really well. The only downside to bringing her is that everyone wants to talk to you, which I told Lux, I'm like, everyone's going to fucking want to talk to her and they did.
And everyone wants to pet her and everyone wants to ask what kind of dog she is. And then they can't believe that she's a golden retriever, excuse me, a golden doodle, because she's black. And it's just like, yeah, that's what happens when one of the dogs is black. Like the dad is a poodle and he's black.
Uh, it feels like, it feels like I'm talking about people, but like, that's The truth. Um, she did. If you watch the story, she did poop in the airport on the way there, uh, but I let Lex take care of that because I was like, Listen, you wanted to bring this dog. Lex is also a little bit like frantic with travel and doing stuff, and I was like, you wanna be frantic over there?
Go ahead. I'm gonna sit and talk to this lady right here. Uh, so that got handled. If it was a direct flight, Moose wouldn't have pooped. It was like, very much a stress poop, a nervous poop, and like, very small. Um, but she also doesn't need to go in the middle of the day, so like, I'm the one that walks her. I know her schedule.
It was very much like out of the ordinary, but it's fine. It was also fun. Um, but Moose was very happy to see Lex's parents, dogs, Finn and Tucker. Uh, it snowed the whole time. Terrible for me, great for Moose. She loved it. It was also freezing. It was zero degrees for like one of the days, like actually zero degrees.
And I was like, this is, this will be the worst. Uh, but, It was a, it was a really good time. Her parents surprised us with an escape room cause it's like our thing now and tickets to see MJ the musical, which was great overall, the trip, the travel. Great success. Uh, we've been home since Tuesday. Um, we, this year we went Thursday to Tuesday and I'm actually recording this Thursday night.
followings, which is like way later than my usual Monday that I do it, but I didn't want to rush it. I mean, um, the reason we do the Thursday to Tuesday so that we get home before Christmas, because we learned that getting home after Christmas is like rushed. Because my birthday is New Year's Day and it's just like not enough time.
So Lex moved things up and we've been home since Tuesday and it's been very nice. So, uh, we are doing a party this year. We did a New Year's Eve party last year, but we're doing a party specifically for my, for my 40th this year, which will be instead of doing it on New Year's Day, we're going to do it on the 3rd.
So it's a Friday after my birthday. Um, renting out a space, like it's a whole big thing. I'm really excited about it. So I will let you know how that goes. Uh, I'll probably make on the 13th, so like two episodes afterwards, because this is the way that I record stuff. Um, but if you watch my stories, then you'll have the early release on all that information.
Uh, so I'm going to use my 40th birthday as the segue into today's main talking point, which is wrapping up 2024 and the, the, the segue there is that time goes on. It always does. I turn 40, like you blink. It's like time continues. It always continues. It goes on. How you partition things, how you denote things, it's up to you.
You know, I'm the first person to say, celebrate yourself. So whatever that looks like, you want to have special episodes. You want to take time. You don't have parties. You want it, whatever you want. By all means do it. Um, I have no plans of doing like a 2024 rundown of like 2024 things that I learned in 2024, nor do I have any intention of doing a, you know, 40 lessons from turning 40, you know, I'm not going to say never say never, but as of right now, I have no intention of doing that, but it's personal preference.
I, and if that's what you want to do. Then you do that for me, you know, wrapping up the year 2024 was great sans the whole fucking election election results, which ultimately I think is going to serve as, you know, an origin story of sorts for me. So perhaps net positive in some way, silver lining, I don't know.
Um, but otherwise, right. 2024 was great because it was more of the same. I'm really grateful and really proud to have built a life where I'm happy to be To keep doing what I'm doing. And I want to keep doing what I'm doing. So that's what I'm doing. I absolutely love where I live. Y'all know this. Coming home, I'm just so happy.
I fucking love it here. I'm never leaving. I love being with Lex, even though she drives me crazy sometimes. The kids, you see Rupert's here, Moose, they're doing great. They're actually doing great. They're getting much better. My team, Courtney, Joe, Lex, Sandy, E Web, Karen, Sabrina. They're fucking great. You, team, you're fucking great.
Thank you. My Blood family, they're great. I saw them a minimum of twice this year. You know, Justin came out more than that. I saw Lex's parents. We saw Lex's parents a bunch. They're great. My Mafia family is doing fucking great, and I'm so proud of them, and I'm so grateful for them. They helped me build this thing.
I didn't build the Mafia. They helped me build this, right? We all built it together. My Chosen family is great. I went to Cabo with Natalie and Dan. The last minute trip to, you know, Florida for Kim's volleyball, doing more frequent dinners with my girl, Jill, Jill Fitt, having conversations with Rachel, Laura Jean, UC, an in person hangouts with Meredith, just like my chosen family is fucking great.
My volleyball family is great. They're the best. I'm still trying to fucking grow taller. It's not working. Uh, but I am jumping higher. Thanks to Matt. He's great. You know, my online people continue to be great. We continue to meet. You know, and make, meet great people and make awesome connections on there.
Uh, work is great in the traditional sense, right? On paper and just like from the financial side, like work is great. Um, and it's also great in terms of the people that I'm attracting. And, uh, Bossip was the shit. If you were there, thank you. The, uh, sizzle reel that, uh, Reels, I should say that Tina's put together.
They're fucking so good. Just like Bossip was great. The people that I'm tracking for my maestro meetings, they are great. And my one on one coaching, which I don't, I don't advertise those things. They don't market it. And I get. Amazing people. And I love that for me. I think that there's absolutely some evolution of the business ahead of me.
And I've alluded to it in past episodes. And like all that I've been able to do is allude to it. Cause I don't have any like real concrete knowledge of what it is, like forecasting of what it is, but. It continues to get clearer as evidenced by the announcement earlier about the mafia and I'm here for whatever direction things end up going.
My hobbies are great. 24 they were great. 2024 they were great. I'm leaning, I leaned into espresso and I'm pretty sure I'm going to upgrade my machine. I'm ready. I stuck with it. I want to get the dual boiler. Uh, so we'll see what happens there. But. I still loving it. Had a great milk day today. I'm leaning into playing the guitar again.
I actually have a jam session scheduled with my girl Elisa, one of my volleyball homies for like two days from now. Uh, what else? I got health is great. I'm ending the year strong. It's the only thing that I'm actually like ending the year strong and actually compare, like caring about ending the year strong is like physically I'm ending the year strong.
I, I, I started programming for myself. And got consistent, Lex and I both got consistent with lifting. I'm super grateful for the gym that we have downstairs. I should probably get some more steps. So that's something that I got to get up for next year. But overall, I'm really happy with how I feel, how my knees feel.
Just, it's great. And lastly, you folks, you folks are great. I continue to enjoy doing this podcast, despite at times being like, I've said all that I can say, but I still enjoy it. And you folks contribute. To that enjoyment. So thank you. So overall, 2024 was really good aside from the reminder of how racist this country is.
But, you know, there were no huge revelations or, or things I learned or I want to change moving forward. And I'm really happy about that. I cannot speak for the things that are outside of my control, but for everything that I can affect, that I can control, I have great faith that 2025 will be great.
Because the goal is more of the same. So, I'm gonna leave you with a quote from LJ. Uh, Laura Jean from Dinner Tonight. She said, In biology slash nature, enough is homeostasis, and that's a constant moving towards, not staying still. And I am really fuckin happy with what I'm doing. This homeostasis in my life and I'm excited to do whatever work is required to keep me here.
Thank you for a phenomenal 2024, and I'll catch you next week for episode 645, I believe. Is that what it's gonna be? Nope. Episode 646 of my on the mic and the first episode of 2025, as always, endlessly appreciative for every single. One of you until next year, friends. Bye Strom.
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