Full Transcript: MOTM #647: No F*cks to Give

[Transcript starts at 1:14]

  Hello. Hello. Hello. My podcast people. And thank you for joining me for yet another episode of my favorite podcast. Episode 647, second episode of the year. We're talking about having no fucks. To give if you are listening watching tuning in on the day that it drops. It is Monday January 13th. I got a little pep in my step I got a little bit of life back in me and I've got a lot of things to catch you up on So let's hop on in so my 40th birthday party was last Friday and folks if you've been following on Instagram You saw it was everything it was literally the best day of my life the best party of my life the best Birthday of my life.

It was the best. My grandma, uh, flew in, my mom and my grandma flew in to surprise me. I knew my mom was coming. Didn't really think about grandma coming. Wanted her to come, thought she might, but it was a surprise the way that happened. Uh, Lex crushed it with that. Um, they flew in on Thursday. They left on Monday.

It was such a surprise that I had work all day on Thursday. And so I couldn't see them till the end of the day. Uh, but. It was amazing. We'd actually gone for Lex and I had actually gone for a walk on Wednesday on my birthday and I was thinking to myself, man, I really got to get grandma out here. I'd love to have her just experience California.

Y'all know that I love it. I love sharing with people that I love. And so to have her here, it was amazing. And then we took her this morning. You took them both this morning to the airport. And she was like, when your mom's coming back, she better let me know because I'm going to save my money and I'm going to come back out.

And I was like, yeah, I'll pay for you to come out anytime you want. But it was just great to hear that. Cause you know, like she's 86, like how many more years does she have of just objectively, how many more years does she have of being able to fly all the way out here and really enjoy the time when she's out here.

And so it was, it was amazing. Like just, It was every bit as perfect as I, as I hoped it would be. And then some, and my mom came, I knew my mom would love it. Um, so I don't want to like downplay that, but I knew my mom would love it. She'll be back and fucking hiking all over the world here, but it was awesome.

And I really appreciate, you know, my mom, my sister, Lex, Jimmy, that's Cecilia's husband. For making it happen like a lot had to happen for my grandma to be able to come here and my mom really just like Really shouldering the burden there. It was like my mom grandma's 86 She has a cane like it's a lot to get on the plane things like that But she's very mobile like she don't get me wrong.

I'm very with it But if you watch she's the best dancer in the room always chick is the best fucking dancer But but it was amazing and speaking of the party it was fucking Epic. Lex made my vision come to life and threw in some of her own touches and it was perfect, right? We had a DJ, we had a taco truck, we had a ve not taco, taco guy.

Like the venue was amazing. Uh, the photo, we had a photo booth, the alcohol was amazing, the additional food. Like Lex brought in the cookies that we always get and she told the picture, pulled the picture from a previous party we went to. A previous 70s party we'd gone to. And so it was just amazing.

People flew in. I know they're flying in, right? JPB and Jared flew in, Meg Coppell flew in, Wheels flew in, UC flew in. Danny J didn't fly. She drove, but she flew all the way from, from Vegas. Like people came in, came up from San Diego, like came from all over. It was. It's just amazing. I'm at one point I'm on the dance floor there, you know, and everyone that's there from volleyball and just from different parts of my life, at least from like my New York days was there and just like people are dancing, but also there's room in the venue for like, if you don't want to dance and you know, you want it to be outside, you could do that playing.

Cornhole or you want to just like kind of be in the back area talking and having a drink or taking, you know, doing the photo booth. It was, it was something for everyone. And that to me is what I love the most, right? Like, obviously I want people to dance if they want to dance. I love dancing. So I had the party like this, but to have something for everyone and you know, have that be where they feel happy.

It was the fucking best. Like literally at one point I was just standing in the front and I was like, this is the best day of my life. I, like, the dancing, the music was perfect, DeAndre, the DJ was fucking amazing, Kevin broke his shoe dancing, we had two line dances, it was amazing, and on top of that it was just a reminder of like how good of a team Lex and I are, like, you know, for as long as we've worked together.

It's been like, I have a vision for things and then she'll work out the logistics of it and like, make it happen. And so, you know, I found the venue and she did all the coordinating with it. Uh, I was like, okay, let's have this kind of food. And she made all of that happen. We had the photo booth person from Camille's party.

She made that happen. Uh, I'll show you the extra, the extra like, It's food, snacks, and stuff for me that happen. Uh, the DJ, uh, was, DJ is D'Andre. She decided to book him and I loved it. It was amazing. I was like, I want fucking good music. And she was like, all right, I'm going to do a DJ. And D'Andre is actually one of the volleyball girls.

Uh, that's her yoga. Teacher, he's a big black man. He's a yoga teacher. I was like, I love it. The music was so fucking good. It was just, it was a reminder of like, I, one, I felt so loved, like, obviously by Lex, but just by everyone, everyone there. And it's a reminder of like, I'm with the person who I'm such a great team worth and it was just like, it was just fucking perfect and people would just come on up, coming up to me and being like, thank you for having this party.

Thank you for bringing all these people together. Just thank you for making people feel included. Like I was getting thank yous. It was just amazing. And it was the best. It was the best. You can actually save one of the gifts that Lex got. Not a gift, it was So there's a volleyball back there, if you're watching on YouTube.

Uh, and Lex had You know like, you have like a table with like the pictures of someone, and She had a record on there, and uh It was like, I don't It was like an empty record. Uh, and that's volleyball. And the volleyball has like a little like custom thing on it says happy 40th Maestro. And everyone from volleyball, everyone, not just from volleyball, everybody signed it.

It was just, she did an amazing job. It was the best. But she also, as for my birthday, which I was like, don't give me anything. Uh, but she got people to like share birthday wishes and like, It was like a video, like you could do a video or you could like send like a text message kind of thing. And so we watched that on Wednesday and one of the people who was on that was Dr.

J pop and part of the message that she shared was basically welcome to your 40s where you just have way less fucks. Wow, welcome to your 40s where you just have way less fucks to give which is great because you already didn't give a fuck and I was like This chick knows me, right? We know Dr. J Pop knows me.

Side note, how fucking good is our new intro? Yeah, go listen if you haven't already. But I hopped into my stories earlier today to talk about that and that is I'll talk about you know This this less fucks to give and then I was like fuck it. Let's make it today's intro Topic for the podcast episode. So yeah, this, we're not actually really talking or I'm not really actually talking about having no fucks to give or less fucks to give or giving no fucks.

What I actually want to talk about is not waiting to be happy. So the connection. here, is that it's pretty widely stated, as evidenced by Dr. J Pop's message, that once you hit your 40s, you basically stop giving a fuck, or you have less fucks to give, and you, you care less about what other people think, and you just live your life.

I can 100 percent understand why this is the case, especially for those folks that are socialized, you know, raised female. But here's the thing, and here's why I want to flip the script a little bit. And it's also evidenced by Dr. J. Pop's message, which is that I already didn't give a fuck, right? The spoiler here is that you don't have to wait to not give a fuck.

The big message here is that you don't have to wait to be happy. Yes, there's absolutely something to be said about easy is earned and seasons of life, and you reap what you sow, right? And you're using younger years to, to grind and lay the foundation. Absolutely. But you don't have to be miserable during those.

younger years, right? You don't, you can take advice from older people, from other people, and apply it right now. You can take feelings from other seasons of life and of the year and apply them now, right? You don't have to wait. As cliche as it may be, or it may sound, whatever, I read that book, Tim Ferriss book, The four hour work week.

I read it like a zillion years ago. I don't even have it on my shelves anymore. There's shelves here. You can see there's shelves on that side. I got like a zillion books and actually did read it. Uh, but I don't have it cause I gave it away to a friend. Cause I was like, this is impactful for me. And it's also served its purpose.

Right. And what I took away from the book was you don't have to wait to be happy. All right. If memory serves again, it was really long time when I read this, but this is before I moved to California. It's part of the reason I moved to California, but he harps on the The fact that the U. S. has this idea and this message that's put out that you work and you're miserable so that one day you can retire and be happy, right?

When you retire at age 65. And mind you, the like average American lives to be like 74 years old. So that math ain't mathin well at all. That's fucking terrible. And in the book he's like, you don't have to wait, you can do this stuff now. And that really planted a seed for me of like, you don't have to wait to do things.

Yes, we, you know, we kind of have these arbitrary time periods and ages put on things. And I'm thinking about Dr. J pop actually, because I brought her up when I was working for Rock Tape. Dr. J pop's like a few years older than me, maybe one, two, I don't know, a little bit older, but I was working at Rock Tape first, brought her in and she had some like hesitation and reservations about teaching.

And I was like, bitch, you've been, you know, a PT for a zillion years. What are you waiting for? Like to turn a certain age so that you're like, society thinks it's okay. Or so people, I don't know. I was like, what are you waiting for? You don't have to wait to do things. The best analogy or example that comes to mind here is.

How, you know, you see with youngest siblings, like the baby of the family, they often do things sooner than their older siblings, right? They walk, they talk sooner because of the older siblings. So they got, they see this thing and they're like, okay, I'm gonna do it. You don't have to fucking wait. We live in a time where advice is, you know, from everyone is readily available, right?

It's always been available, but now it's again readily available. It's like literally just so easy to access now. So feel free to take it, irrespective of what age you are, all right. And see how you can make it work with your life. Of no, feel free to check out last Monday's episode. That was 646. Whose advice are you taking?

Uh, and in that episode, I offer up some advice, a few tips for discernment regarding whose advice to take. But those are my thoughts. It really hit me today when I was on a walk that like, yes, these things hold true, or these things are true, but also. Yeah. They could be true earlier. I, you just, it's all made up folks.

Right. It's all made up. And I don't say it in a bad way. I say that in a way that hopefully is like exciting. And it's like, Oh yeah. Literally everything is made up. Yes, we have agreed on certain things and social norms or whatever, but it's all made up. And so you don't have to wait. And the biggest things you don't have to wait to be happy.

So if you're listening to this, one of the coolest parts about what I get to do as a creator, content creator, and just how I am in life is that I do get to run my mouth and share my thoughts. And I like doing that. And that means that ideally, and hopefully I can help other people out and help them get to where they want to get.

Faster than, you know, it took me. And I, I look at Lex like, yes, there is a, there's an eight year age, age difference here, which to me, I'm just like, great do things earlier than I did. It's fucking awesome. Like I will die on the Hill that the whole, like I suffered. So you have to suffer. That ain't it. All right.

The whole people being mad. Cause they pay off their student loans and like, but I have to pay mine off. And it's like, that's great. Now, why wouldn't you want that kind of freedom for other people? I was talking to Jay pop the other day. And she, she said, you know, the entire world is your neighbor. And when you realize that you're just like, okay, maybe you don't like your neighbor.

So you're like, ah, that doesn't make any sense to me. But if you really sit with it, you're like, okay, when that person benefits, I benefit. And when things are good for that person, they're better for me. So it doesn't, it's not the zero sum game. And that is definitely how I look at it when I share these things and dispense this advice into the ether for whoever is willing, you know, wanting to grab onto it or whoever it happens to drop into their head.

You don't have to wait to be happy. And if you can take this and you're 20 years old and lean into that, fucking amazing. Will you probably get pushback if you're at an age where other people aren't doing it and they didn't do it at that age? Probably, but who fucking cares, right? Like we get one life, live it and remember that you don't have to wait to be happy, right?

All right. That is all I got for the informational side of stuff today. Nice little quick episode. Do not forget that we are hosting our first ever, what are we going to call it? Mafia open house, AKA come hang out at a family dinner. It'll be on Wednesday, January 29th. It's the last Wednesday of the month of January at 4 p.

m. Pacific. It is 100 percent free. There is no obligation to join the mafia, but if you've been thinking about it, wondering about it, you want to just come hang out and see if there's other dope people out there that you know, you could jive with. I'm going to use that word because we're still in seventies mode.

Come check it out. The link to save your spot is in the show notes. Or you can head to www.themovementmaestro.com/mafia dinner reservation. I'll take you the page, put your info in there, and then we'll get you all the important information. But would love to have you. It's free. What do you got to lose?

Okay. Okay, then, is all I got for you as always, endlessly, endlessly, endlessly appreciative for every single. And don't forget, there's no more Thursday episodes. Okay. Until next time friends, which will be Wednesday. Wow. Which will be Monday. Maestro.

Links & Resources For This Episode:

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Save your spot at the first ever Mafia Dinner Open House
MOTM #646: Whose Advice Are You Taking?

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