Transcript: MOTM #437 How to Win 2023

[Transcript starts at 1:24]

Hello, my podcast people and thank you for joining me for the first episode of 2023. This is like the eleventy billionth episode of Maestro on the Mic it's actually the 437th, but first episode of the new year. And one of the coolest things about doing episodes so frequently is that I don't have to be like, what did I talk about?

And let's catch up. And literally, there was another episode just a few days ago last week. Uh, that was a guest episode, so hopefully you check that out with Meredith and Alex. Uh, but today I wanna chat about how to win 2023. It's a new year, perhaps you have resolutions, you have goals, maybe you picked a word of the year.

My word of the year, by the way, is create, uh, and I wanna chat about a strategy that I think we can all utilize, implement to help us achieve said goal or, um, reach, uh, lean into our intentions or live into that word. Because I actually did an episode all about the fact that I don't really set goals. I don't really like setting goals.

Um, but if you do more power to you, not here to yuck your yum, I wanna help you out in terms of actually reaching those goals. So a little side note, I am officially 38 years old. Yesterday was my birthday, January 1st, and I don't know what I did because I'm recording this episode before my birthday. Uh, it's one of my coolest things about doing a podcast.

You're like re recording it in the past, it gets put out in the future, but either way, it's my birthday and I like to celebrate myself. So celebrating I am. So this episode is actually inspired by, that sounded like I was gonna go into a commercial, “This episode brought to you by”. This episode was brought to you by a podcast that I listened to with Gary Vee.

Now I'm not gonna lie, I have come full circle on Gary Vee. Um, he just annoyed me for a bit and it seemed like his message was like, quit school. And I was like, what? Wait a minute. Now that kind of seems like that is actually Alex Hormozi's message. He's like, fuck school. Uh, I've, I've done a, you know, a, a 180 on, on Gary Vee, and I like what he's saying.

I don't love that he, he kind of talks over people on podcasts, but he was on a podcast. Um, it was, we'll link it in the show notes. Thank you, Courtney. Uh, it was on the, the Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett, and I listened to the episode and he was talking about winning the life lottery of sorts, and he used a different phrase.

But I couldn't find it and I, I didn't feel like going and searching through the goddamn episode and I couldn't find show notes. Excuse me. I couldn't find transcripts and I was like, we got a leg up there cuz we're doing transcripts, folks. So if you ever want to go and search for something I said in the podcast, you can go to that episode.

Go to the the website for that episode, which will be the episode number is. It'll take you to that episode, the show notes, and it'll also take you, uh, within the show notes, there is a link to the transcript. That is how I historically have actually used transcripts. I never like go and read through someone's podcast, but I have used numerous transcripts to go and search for something that I wanted to quote.

Uh, and so I was trying to do that, and then I was like, well, he didn't have a transcript that I could find. So loosely what he said was something along the lines of him winning the life lottery and you know, he's a super positive guy and we actually do say a lot of the same things, which is why I was like, oh, I've come around cuz we're saying similar things.

So now I like you. Um, but I also feel very much, uh, in the same way that I have won many lotteries, not the actual like money lottery. That would be great, but pretty much any other lottery. Also, not the height lottery and not like the good knees lottery, but so many other lotteries. And I wanna talk about kind of that today, not necessarily winning the lotteries, but what allows me to actually think that I've won the lottery,

which is, perspective. So in terms of lotteries, like I have won the mom lottery, ya'll know I talk about my mom all the time and just, I'm so grateful for her support and, and how she raised me and just everything and how she supports me. I, I truly believe I've won the mindset lottery. A lot of you have. I hate, hate saying that,

“A lot of you.” I have had conversations with you in the audience, with people in the audience who have, you know, brought that up about just the mindset that Ihave, and I do believe I've won the mindset lottery. There's a nature nurture component there and the nature component, I definitely, I, I think that I've won that lottery.

I've won the mental health lottery. Um, I've won the confidence lottery lottery. Absolutely. Again, there's a nature nurture component there. Um, I've won the skills and interest lottery. Meaning things that I'm interested in and things that kind of come naturally to me are things that society more generally champions and, you know, sports, and science, and mathematics, things like that, and just being smart. Um, those things come a little bit more naturally and little more easily, and society really values them. Let's look at, you know, the World Cup just happened. Let's look at the way that we treat athletes. Um, and so definitely won the lottery in that regard.

Um, and I don't, I do believe that I have won the time to be a live lottery. Like I am literally sitting here, you can't see my setup, but I actually got a second screen, folks. I got two screens going, I'm recording this on a dslr. I got a monitor on top. I got my iPhone next to it for B-roll. I have like a zillion lights.

Only one of them is on right now. I have a light off to the side, I got a ring light off to the side. Um, cause I got a lot of natural daylight cause where I live, um, and I, I really do believe it's the best time to be alive. Like I'm doing this from my, my apartment. So given all of those things, one: I am so freaking grateful.

Uh, but two, I wanna talk about what allows me to even think that I've won those lotteries and believe that I've won those lotteries. And I wanna talk about the thing that we, that I believe we actually have control over as it relates to kind of creating our own luck and perhaps winning some lotteries.

And that again is perspective. That is actually what we're gonna talk about. Perspective . So y'all know I love me a good definition. I go and I Google it because sometimes what we, how, how we colloquially use things versus how they're, what they actually mean could be different. So, I wanna kinda like standardize what we're talking about here.

And so the definition of perspective is a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something a point of view. I, I brought up a second definition cuz perception seems very close to me. And so if I use those interchangeably throughout the episode, that's kind of why, but the definition of perception is a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression. And so I'm, when I'm talking, as I'm talking about perspective today, it's really kind of like a combination of those two things. And I truly believe that our perspective, our perception of things, it's all that we have, right? It's the number one thing that we have.

And we do have agency there, and we do have choice there. And it 100% dictates the outcome of these things, how we view these things, how these things affect us. So Gary talked about this. I'm just gonna call him Gary from now on, right? But Gary Vee talked about this in the episode? And I've said it before where I have left the, I left the business of convincing many, many years ago.

So if you believe that based on your circumstances, you have no hope, right? You just look at the hand that you're dealt, you've been dealt, and you're like, I got no hope. I'm done. I'm not gonna fight you. You're right. You're done. I wanna use this as a segue to very much acknowledge that life is not fair.

Some folks absolutely have to work harder at certain things. Some folks have been dealt extremely shitty hands. But I believe that when you cannot change your circumstances and you cannot, especially if you cannot immediately change your circumstances, what we can do is change our perspective. So as it relates to how to win 2023, my opinion: focus on your perspective and change it when needed.

So this episode was actually, I'm gonna give you an example. This episode right here was first conceptualized. Um, cuz I, I get ideas for episodes and I put, I put 'em in my phone, write it down, and then some of them I flesh out and some of them I just kinda leave. Um, but this episode actually was first conceptualized after having a conversation with one of my, one of my awesome business clients, Anna.

And she posted a story and she was like, it was either a story or, or a post, I can't even remember now, but she posted something and it was about her cleaning her pool. She lives in Texas and she was cleaning her pool. And I was just like, hmm, that seems terrible. But I messaged her and was just like, we were going back and forth about something else and I just messaged her at the end and I was like, I hope the pool's okay.

And she wrote back like hahaha, like a bunch of laughs and was like just regular pool maintainence. And again, I was like, ew, this is like another reason that I wouldn't want to have a pool. But for her, it's just a, it's just a necessary evil, right? It's a responsibility. Maybe she even actually enjoys this thing. It's a benefit of owning a pool, it allows her to own a pool.

This ties into a discussion I've had in previous episodes. So I brought Eric's, Eric's, wow. I brought Alex and Meredith on, uh, Alex Parker, Meredith Root on for their sixth return episode, um, last Thursday the episode dropped, but in a past episode, I can't even remember which one, um, we talked about this, I'm not even sure if it was Alex or Meredith who brought it up, but talking about viewing our actions, not as a sacrifice, but as a choice that we're making.

And I love that, especially, you know, we tie it into sports and things like that. And it's like some people could choose to view like, oh, you're giving up free time. You're giving up this, you're giving up X. And other people will be like, no, it's a choice that I made. Cause I have this goal, I wanna get to this thing.

And so, no, it's just a choice. It's not this negative thing. And now I think we could also view sacrifice in a, in a positive way if you want. I think it's all about perspective. The whole shtick here, the whole thing that I'm getting at here is that as we enter this new year, and as you look to do new things, and quite frankly as you look to do anything, but we'll say with the new year, new things, everything is going to bring with it

something. And we have the ability to choose how we view those things. And subsequently, if we want to do those things or not. At the end of the day, coming down to choice, coming down to agency, coming down to realizing that we do get to choose how we view this circumstance, how we view this thing that is happening, right?

And you can kind of play on words with everyone. If it's happening, why is this happening to me? Or you know, cool, this is happening to me and I can do something about it. Right? So another thing that I've won, and I feel like this episode's about, like, I've won all these things, but another thing that I've won, and it's gonna tie, you're gonna see this segue here,

uh, another thing that I've won is the, the self-trust and the self-confidence lottery. And the reason I bring that up is because I believe that that has allowed me to, one, I have this inherent, you know, more positive outlook on things and more out, more positive perspective of things. But, having more of this inherent self-confidence, having more of this inherent self-trust allows me to change my perspective if needed, and then trust that. It allows me to trust my gut when I change things.

And it doesn't matter how loud the crowd is screaming. And it allows me to say, Hey, this is what I actually want. This is what I actually believe, this is my values and I can really live into this. And I never, you know, thought like, oh, well, I'm thinking differently and that must be worng. Tied into this, of course, is again, that support lottery that I won from my mom, and I'm listing these things out because I do want to highlight the, the privilege, the earned privilege, and some of the inherent privilege that I have and how it's allowed me to navigate things.

And then from that, the lessons that I've learned and the things that I want to impart. Right. It's kinda like when you are ahead of someone and you wanna help them. You're like, okay, well this is what I did and I'm acknowledging, okay, but I had like an advantage there, so maybe you have to do this thing.

Or I, you know, i was at a disadvantage there, so maybe you can go a little faster with this. But either way it's me kind of looking back and looking at the things like, yeah, I've been able to succeed in many ways and this is how, this is why. So I wanna acknowledge those things. And then we're gonna tie in, I'm gonna give you some resources for this because I, again, in acknowledging privilege and things like that, I do believe I, that I've won the mom lottery.

I do believe that I won the, how I've grown up lottery and how I grew up lottery. And again, part of that is also tied into perspective because some people may look and be like, but you are black and Puerto Rican and female and gay. And like, that's like almost every minority. Like, oh my God. And I'm like, but also I think those are a great things and really, um, you know, Arlan Hamilton talks about them, those, those types of things as, um, people not being, uh, under repre, underrepresented, but rather underestimated.

And I was like, ah, that's, that's, that's awesome too. Um, but I, I haven't viewed these things as negative. Um, and I, I believe that my perspective on these things has greatly contributed to my ability to succeed. That in mind, I want to give you resources to help you build the foundation that I think that I, you know, kind of won the lottery and had, and I have become, you know, painfully aware has been so helpful, uh, in me getting to where I am. 

So four resources that I want you to check out. They're all online. I've brought two of these people onto the podcast, and the other two I will probably bring on at some point once they're ready. Talking to you, you'll know as soon as I say these names, you'll know I'm talking to you.

All right, so four resources that I would love for you to check out in terms of establishing or building that foundation that allows for this self-trust. It allows for the confidence, um, that allows for you to set boundaries, um, that allows for you to create better friend groups and better support. Um, because all of this is so important as it relates to perspective, like what, what's the environment that you're in?

Maybe you have to change that so that it's easier to have a different perspective on things and, and maybe you have to change it so you have more support on certain things. So four resources. Number one, as it relates to establishing your values, that's gonna be my girl Laura Jean. Brought on for the podcast.

Courtney, if you can link that episode. Thank you. On Instagram, she is @dietitianvalues. As I was outlining this episode, I was wanted to say something along the lines of, um, you know, grounding or rooting. And that's an inside joke between, Laura Jean and I, rooting your values, excuse me, rooting your perspective in your values.

But that is very difficult for some people who don't know their values. They, they have never been asked them. They don't know how to find them or figure them out, or they don't realize that they're verbs. Just a lot of things around that. Um, and so I want to offer you a solution, offer you a resource for that, and establishing those values and really living into and leaning into those values.

And that's gonna be my girl, Laura Jean. Second thing, and this is gonna tie into or second resource, and this is gonna tie into more of the kind of physiological side of things, cuz I do believe that I have won the kind of mental health side of things, and I don't have to try very hard to be positive. I don't have to try hard to not spiral. 

Like that, that's not the default for me. But I know that that's not the case for many people and there are resources for you. My number one resource for regulating your nervous system and uh, performing nervous system hygiene, that's gonna be my girl, JPB, Jessica Patching Bunch. She is, uh, @JPB.BrainBodyResilience.

I'm sorry, I stumbled a little bit. I I'm looking at the screen right now, folks. We're, we're not editing this out. This all stays down. I'm looking at the screen right now. I'm also trying to look at the camera. This is what happens when you go to move to video, uh, but she is @JPB.BrainBodyResilience on Instagram.

Everything will be linked, so don't like crash your car or anything like that. If you're watching this on Instagram, excuse me, watching on Instagram, how you doing that? If you are watching this on the YouTubes, even easier, it'll be right down below. Number three: and with this, we're gonna go into the physical side of things.

So we got JPB with nervous system hygiene, uh, tying to the ph- the physiology side with that. Uh, and then just kind of a, an extension of that now is gonna be getting into your body, cuz we know you gotta get outta your, outta your brain sometimes and into your body. JPB does some, does, uh, incorporate that quite a bit.

Uh, I'm going to kinda the next level here, which is gonna be my girl Erica Webb. She takes a mind body approach to movement. Uh, I, I was gonna say the word somatics, but I don't know if anybody, if you know what that means. So I don't wanna use that. But if we're looking to integrate mind and body and bring in that movement and bring in a self kind approach, bring in an approach that can help you, those of you that maybe have some anxiety around things, bring in, um, some help for those of you that perhaps should all over yourself. I should be doing this. I should be doing that. I got you. That's gonna be Erica Webb. Her Instagram is @EricaWebb_SelfKind. And then lastly, as it relates to relating with others, building those relationships, perhaps closing off or moving away from some of those relationships, establishing boundaries, uh, having a relationship with yourself. That's gonna be my homie James-Olivia Chu Hillman. I brought them onto the podcast twice I believe. Um, I've done some episodes where I talked about things that I've learned from them, uh, and they are @inquisitive_human on Instagram. 

Right, so four resources that I wanna share with you as we enter 2023, so that you can build that foundation to set yourself up to change perspective, your, to change your per perspective, to, uh, put yourself in a position to win all of these lotteries, to put yourself in a position to realize that perhaps you've won lotteries, but it was just a matter of changing your perspective and being in an environment where you actually could change your perspective on things, where it was safe to change your perspective on things where you felt confident and comfortable changing your perspective on things, or just felt confident and comfortable leaning into and living into how you already are.

So to wrap it, those are my 80 billion pennies on how to win 2023. We know winning is subjective and perhaps you set goals, you got resolutions, you have a word, you have an intention, a direction for the year. My advice as it relates to getting where you want to go, focus on your perspective and change it when needed.

Alright. That's all I got for you for the first episode. Look at this, we kept it under 20 minutes. Oh my G-. Actually, maybe with the intro it might be a little bit longer, but, uh, if you're watching the video, kept it under 20 minutes. Incredibly, incredibly, incredibly grateful for every single one of you.

You're tuning in on video, you're tuning in with a podcast. You're messaging me, you're DMing me. I am so grateful you're sharing the podcast. I see you on Instagram. Please my ask, keep it up. Uh, you know, your support means the world to me. Alright. I do believe we can wrap it up there. Until next time, friends, Maestro out.

Links & Resources For This Episode:

NEW! Check out the YouTube video for this episode!

The Diary of a CEO – E207: Gary Vee’s Emotional Confession About His Success & Family!
MOTM #343: Start with Your Values with Laura Jean

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