Maestro on the Mic
Welcome to Maestro on the Mic, a podcast that helps online business owners find their passion, generate more profit, and build a life that they love. I'm your host, Dr. Shanté Cofield, aka The Movement Maestro, and I’m stoked to have you here. I hope this podcast inspires you make moves and do the thing. Action is the answer.
Monday, March 24th, 2025
When your life, or your business, or the world is falling apart, panic is a common reaction. But panic doesn’t get anyone anywhere, and it certainly doesn’t fix the problem. Even when things are falling apart, we always have a say and there is always something we can do. You can’t save the world, but […]
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Monday, March 17th, 2025
Outsourcing has it’s place in business and life, but outsourcing everything can be a slippery slope. There’s a massive difference between outsourcing your food vs. outsourcing your taxes vs. outsourcing your thinking. Us human beings work better in teams, but before you go outsourcing every uncomfortable or inconvenient task in your life, maybe stop and […]
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Monday, March 10th, 2025
We’ve got big changes to make in this world, but to actually make change does not include getting our mobs together and pitchforks out for anyone who dares to be imperfect. Everyone is on their own timeline when it comes to opening their eyes to the shit going on around us. Hating on or judging […]
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Monday, March 3rd, 2025
I don’t know how you’re feeling about the state of things right now, but if you’re thinking, “Fuuuuck, this shit is so annoying and inconvenient, I just want to live my life!” … Me too. We’ve been so heavily trained to outsource almost every little thing in our lives, and now we’re being asked to […]
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Monday, February 24th, 2025
One thing I love about having my own business is the opportunities I get to connect with some really intelligent, incredibly thoughtful, and all around bad-ass people. In the first (and possibly only!) long episode this year, I’m sharing the light and wisdom of Dr. Jennifer Hutton—aka, Dr. Jpop. What you may or may not […]
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Monday, February 17th, 2025
Yes, I’m still talking about politics because I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but everything in our lives is impacted by politics and it kinda feels like the world is burning down around us. But therein lies the opportunity—just because the government is crashing and burning, doesn’t mean we, the people are. The current system […]
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Monday, February 10th, 2025
This shit just keeps getting crazier every day, and I don’t need to be any more specific, and you’ll already know what I’m talking about. Sometimes I get asked whether or not you should be sharing about politics on social media, and I understand why some people might be hesitant to do so. While there’s […]
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Monday, February 3rd, 2025
January lasted approximately eleventy-billion years, and it got me thinking. All of this (imagine me gesturing wildly to our lives and the state of the world right now) is a marathon, not a sprint. Life isn’t magically going to get better for us, so if we want to keep going—and we need to!—then it’s more […]
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Monday, January 27th, 2025
For so many, it would be a dream come true to just be paid to create something that we love. We’ve got to make money to live in this world, so if we want to make money from creating, then we have to professionalize what we do—and not in the boring, traditional, stick-up-your-ass way, but […]
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Monday, January 20th, 2025
Social media has connected us to more people and more information than we’ve ever had, which means that every day, there’s some new tragedy that we all find out about and it tears people apart. We were never built to be worrying about everything in the world, every moment of the day, but so many […]
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Monday, January 13th, 2025
There’s this pervasive idea that as you get older, you’ll have no more fucks left to give, but I’ve never had many to begin with. Our time on this earth is already so limited, why wait to give less fucks? Why give any in the first place? Why wait to be happy? You can give […]
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Monday, January 6th, 2025
It’s a new year—is it time for a new you? There’s never any shortage of advice given during the month of January, but before you run and implement everything that everyone tells you to do, there are a few questions I think you should ask to get a little more discerning on what kind of […]
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