Full Transcript: MOTM #618: More followers, more problems?

[Transcript starts at 2:31]

Hey guys, Maestro here, and welcome back to another episode of Maestro on the Mic. Like the intro told you, we're talking about social media, in particular Instagram, because that's the only kind of social media that exists. Sorry about that whistle there. It happens. So what specifically am I talking about?

What prompted this? Well, I, you guys know that I'm like so annoyed by. People who call out or feel the need to call out other providers on Instagram. I think it is so horrendous. It's in such poor taste. It's basically a load of bullshit. And I'd love to not see that happen ever again, because nothing. You basically [00:02:00] just make yourself look like an asshole, and then you typically expose your, or inadvertently expose your audience to that other person who you are like calling out and you know what's going to happen?

A few of your people are going to go over to that person and be like, actually, they're providing a good solution. Deuces. So, not a fan of calling people out, but this came up a while ago. I actually posted it as one of the daily maestroisms and I, it says something along the lines of your job as a provider is not to call out other providers.

Your job is to help your patients. And I wholeheartedly believe that and I will defend that, you know, to no end. And 99 percent of the people who responded and commented. We're in total agreement, but then there's always that 1 percent that's like, but, but, but, and I think it comes from a good place, right?

So I don't want to make fun of them, you know, too much, uh, but I think it comes from a good place, but I [00:03:00] also think it comes from a place of ego. So I think that, yeah, people do want to help their patients and things like that, but. What they're saying and leading with, you know, Oh, but what if someone's doing something wrong and they're hurting people?

Like, come on, it's physical therapy. What are you fucking stretching someone to death? Like, take it easy. All right. I think that they use this, you know, I am caring about my patients so much as a way to mask the fact that they're actually like, I don't think that that person deserves all those followers.

Here's why. I'm going to pretend that it's because I am caring about my patients and this person could be doing harm to people. But in reality, when you really strip it all away, it comes down to ego. And I actually had the opportunity to talk to, uh, one of the people that commented as such, and it was like, but what if, you know, people are actually doing harm?

And we took it to the DMs, which I love. [00:04:00] Um, he wrote in the actual comments to start off with, and we kind of went back and forth, nothing bad. And then move to the to the DMs because it's just easier to have a like a legit fucking conversation with somebody there. And, you know, after we talked for probably 45 minutes, because I will do that with you guys, you guys want to have legit discussions, I will.

Absolutely. This is my life. This is my desk. This is where I hang out. I'll do it. Uh, but you know, after that, at the end of that 45 minute conversation, or at least like, you know, part of the way through that, he was just like, I wish I had the influence that that person has. And I was like, dude, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Take a step back and think about what you just said. That's the reason that people go after these big accounts. That's the reason they call out these big accounts, is because they feel that they're being slighted. They feel that their job is being made harder by this person. They feel that that person has [00:05:00] something that they don't deserve, or that person has something that they themselves wish they had.

I'd lay that shit out there, always ask why. So my response to him, and it's the response that I give to pretty much everyone, is, have you ever talked to a room of the same number of followers that you have? So let's say you have 500 followers. Have you ever spoken to a room of 500 followers? Excuse me.

Have you ever spoken to a room of 500 people? Now I get it. When you post, your post does not get shown to 500 people. But. 500 people did take the time at some point in time to click that button and say, yeah, I want to follow this person. I'd like to see them come into my feed again, by choice. So I think this, the analogy still holds in that.

Have you spoken to a room full of that many people? I would guarantee that majority of you have not. As [00:06:00] such, I encourage you to focus on that. Focus on the people that you have and cultivate that audience, right? Grow that family there. Go deep instead of going wide. I asked him that and I was like, have you ever spoken to that many people?

And he was like, Oh dear God, no. I don't know what I would do. And he started laughing because he realized like, yeah, oh shit. It is, it is a lot. If you can't cater to 500 people, if you can't help 500 people, if you can't connect with 500 people, you don't deserve 500, 000 people. It doesn't work like that.

All right. If you want to try and influence people and help them, it starts with one. I was just in Portland for the docer. that Dr. Tina puts on and it was awesome by the way. And this was the talk that I gave was the power of one, and that's what we need to be realizing on social media. So if I actually, you know, bring, let me reel it in here, uh, bring it in here and, and relate this back to the title of this episode, or the title of this [00:07:00] episode is you don't want those followers anyway, so that is in relation to when you start thinking about those 500, 000.

People, those 500, 000 followers. And what do I mean when I say that you don't want them? Because oftentimes when I see people calling other providers out there, like I said before, they're calling out providers with large followings. People never, ever, ever call out providers who have smaller followings than them.

So that's why I think it's a load of bullshit that they're like, Oh, the good harm patients. Because if that's what you really cared about, it would hold true. No matter what you'd be calling out the small accounts, you'd be calling out the big accounts. We call it the same accounts. You'd be calling out your friends, everyone, but it just always seems to be the quote unquote influencers that get called out funny, right?

So about those followers that those influencers have, you don't want them. You're over there imagining. And when I say you, I'm not talking to you [00:08:00] specifically. Cause I think that you're probably on my side with this, but those people. They want those followers. They're imagining that the followers are these amazing, ideal, potential customers and clients and patients that are ready to do anything they say and already understand pain science and are so compliant and don't want quick fixes and want to find the root of their problem.

Uh, no, that is not reality. I've actually had the honor of hopping on some lives with people with followings far bigger than mine and the comments that they have to deal with, the stuff that they have to deal with. Holy shit, I don't want any of that. I will gladly keep all of you amazing humans and I don't need to grow a single more person.

I think that grammar was weird there, but either way, I'm happy with that. You guys, and I, I'm happy with where we're at. [00:09:00] Those big audiences, they are full of people that are not great patients. They are full of patients, people, who want quick fixes. They are full of people who just want free shit. You don't want those people.

You want the people who are going to work, the people who are going to be compliant, the people who are interested in the same things as you, the people who actually want to do the things that you're talking about, the people who actually fit into the things that you're talking about, the people who you can actually help, who you actually want to help, right?

The people who fall within your quote unquote scope. You don't want these 50, 000, 500, 000, 50 gazillion people. Start. With one, understand that when accounts are really big, it means that they've done something, right? They've done a few things, right? I should say one is that they started early enough for the most part, but two, they have the marketing strategy, meaning the stuff that, that many people like, like to, like to do.

You know, [00:10:00] I don't even know the word, the stuff that people like to, to call out and shit on, right? I'm like a little lost for words here, but the stuff that people are like, Oh, that's gross. That's grimy. A lot of it is not actually gross and grimy. You just don't want to do it because of your own hangups.

And so then you're just like, Oh, I don't want to do it because it's gross and grimy. Is it though? Right. But these marketers, these influencers, people with really big accounts, they've, they've done things right. They've understood what it takes to get in front of people and relate to people. As such, they're relating to a lot of people, which means they're not just relating to the people that are like super motivated, super disciplined, ready to take action.

They're getting in front of the general public. So, two things to be understood with that. One, you don't want all those people. Because I see what you guys, or these people, are bitching about. You don't want those people. Trust me. And two, instead of, you know, shaming these bigger audiences, these [00:11:00] bigger, these accounts with bigger audiences, And these, you know, influencers, instead of shaming them, how about we start taking some notes on what they're doing?

Right. The argument that I always see from people who are calling out other providers is that they have a duty to, you know, provide the best services to the people, to help people. Well, guess what? Those big accounts have figured out what to do to actually honor them. Relate to people, and you cannot help people until they know you exist.

You cannot help people until, until you are relevant. You cannot help people until you are relatable. So you can have all the science, all the knowledge, all the book smarts, whatever. But if people don't like you, it doesn't fucking matter. If people don't wanna hang out with you and talk to you, it doesn't matter.

So how about if you take a look at what these big accounts are doing? Because they're clearly doing something right. And instead of [00:12:00] calling them out, you could just unfollow them. I don't know why you're all up in their shit anyway, but if you're going to do anything. Learn from what they're doing, do it in a way that makes you feel good, and then move on with your day.

But, understanding that you don't want all 500, 000 of those followers anyway. And guess what? If you can't help out your own 500, you don't deserve those 500, 000 followers. Alright, that's all that I got for ya. Not gonna ask for any likes or anything like that, reviews. We are out. We, yeah, me, we say we, we're at 130 reviews, which is fucking amazing.

You guys rock, right? You absolutely rock. So I'm not going to ask for any more. What I'm actually going to ask for is if you do listen to me on, especially iTunes, I see it on that, if you could unsubscribe and then resubscribe so that the cover art that I use updates, that would be amazing [00:13:00] because Lex and I worked really hard on some new cover art to step into the modern day and I don't know what happened.

It uploaded on some people's, it didn't upload on some people's, it uploaded on mine and then it stopped and I had to. Unsubscribe to myself and then resubscribe and then it popped up again, but it should be a picture of me Pointing at the title of the show Maestro on the mic. It's a lot more colorful.

It's just it's fun we worked really hard on it and I would love if That was what you guys saw and thus If and when you share it on social media, I love that you guys do that, by the way, you're amazing! If and when you share it on social media, it's actually the new cover art, the new artwork, instead of the old white one, which I still love.

Uh, but the new one is straight fire. So, yeah, if you could unsubscribe and then resubscribe, or do whatever you gotta do to get the new picture going That would make me so, so, so incredibly [00:14:00] grateful, so happy. All right, that's all I got for you guys. Until next time, friends. Maestro, out.

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