Online Courses + On-Demand Maestroclasses

Check out the full list of all my online courses and on-demand Maestroclasses.

Join the thousands of others who have chosen to Maestrofy their online business, all from the comfort of their home.

My goal with these online courses and on-demand webinars is quite simple: Disruption.

Learning about online business doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. If you're looking for more affordable ways to step-up your online business game, I gotchu. Check out all the thigns below, and if you don't see what you're looking for, use that search box to scan my entire website to see if I've got a podcast episode, or a blog, or some other resource that can help you.

I truly believe there's a better way to do online business, and that includes creating offers that provide a shit-ton of value without asking the customer to take out a second mortgage in order to be able to afford them. Don't get it twisted, I do also offer high-ticket services, but with these courses and on-demand Maestroclasses, you've got options.

PS – If you were looking for info on my Instagram Intensive, CLICK HERE.

Self-Paced Online Courses

The Instagram Business Blueprint

Self-Paced Online Course

A self-paced course designed specifically for health and fitness professionals who want to learn exactly what they need to do to grow their audience, attract their ideal client, and use Instagram to build a successful online business.

On-Demand Maestroclasses


A 2-hour on-demand Maestroclass for online business owners who want to elevate their branding and stand out in the online space.

The space is noisy, the space is crowded, and weak “I help” statements ain’t gonna get you the attention you want.

Spoiler alert, the solution isn’t to spend $10,000 on pretty colors, fancy fonts, and a brand new website that no one is ever going to visit.

If you’re reading this, it means you feel your branding could use some help, and I’m here to tell you that you’ve struggled it’s because traditional branding offers focus on the wrong things, competition, customer desires, and the general climate, and the miss the most important thing: You.

Good branding isn’t about creating who you need to become, good branding is about highlighting who you already are and then getting intentional, and exponential with your efforts.

During the Maestroclass you will:

  • Learn a simplified and often overlooked approach to branding
  • Learn my 4-part approach to creating a strong, cohesive, memorable brand
  • Learn the difference between brand, branding, brand identify, brand personality, and what you actually need to focus on in order to succeed in the online space
  • Learn exactly what you should focus on when starting your branding journey, and whether or not you need a logo
  • Learn how to differentiate yourself from competitors by identifying the core elements of your brand that will serve as your unique value proposition (UVP)
  • Learn exactly what to do to build brand consistency and establish a cohesive brand experience across all platforms to build trust and loyalty
  • Define and develop a strong brand identity in a way that aligns with your business values and resonates with your audience
  • Identify your strengths and learn to leverage them for greater impact with your branding
  • Gain confidence in your branding and identify what you need to change (or keep exactly the same) in order to stand out in the space and attract your ideal customer

As cheesy as it may sound, you already have what it takes to stand out, you’re just scared to lean in. Yeah, I just called you out. Time to stop hiding behind stuffy statements like market analysis, KPIs, and mission statements, and simply double down on your current strengths and the things that are actually going to move the needle and bring you the success you want.

Creating an online brand that stands out doesn’t take complexity, it takes courage.

Let me teach you how to cut through the noise.

Investment: $50


A 2-hour Maestroclass all about how to upgrade your audiovisual set up and stand out on social.

Whether you’re creating content for Instagram, hosting your own podcast, or simply running Zoom meetings for your people, having a solid audiovisual setup is key…and not that difficult!

There are a zillion different camera and microphone options out there, and this webinar is going to break down exactly what you need if you want that crystal clear picture and that super crispy audio. And no, it doesn’t have to break the bank.

During this 2-hour Maestroclass you’ll learn:

  • How to get the best video and audio quality from your phone
  • The easiest steps to improve your sound quality with any recording device
  • How to sound treat a room so you get rid of echoing for podcasting
  • What mics are best for podcasting
  • What mics are best for social media content
  • he best and easiest ways you light your videos for social media
  • The basic principles of lighting so you can create the perfect setup for your videos every time (3 point set-up, let’s goooo!)
  • The lighting options that make the most sense for you based on your budget and space
  • How to improve your audio and video for Zoom sessions
  • The basics of video podcasting
  • An introduction to sound and video editing
  • My process for creating content for social media
  • Bonus content: An introduction to digital cameras and where you should start if you’re looking to start using a digital camera to create content.

Investment: $50


You said you wanted it, so I made it!

Action Academy: A two-hour Maestroclass on how to get out of your own way and get shit done.

If you feel like your to-do list only gets longer, you work for hours but don’t have anything to show for it, or you’ve got so many ideas that you just get overwhelmed and wind up doing nothing, this workshop is for you.

My whole schtick is about building your best life, and that becomes incredibly difficult when you’re talking yourself out of things, should-ing all over yourself, and falling victim to analysis paralysis.

During the Maestroclass I cover:

  • How to build confidence 
  • How to prioritize tasks and goals 
  • Where to start
  • Handling overwhelm
  • Dealing with comparisonitis
  • Letting go of mistakes and not obsessing over the things that go wrong
  • Overcoming objections from those around you
  • How to set realistic, achievable goals and get clinical about outcomes
  • Expectation management
  • The emotional aspect of putting yourself first and going after what you want
  • Facing your fears
  • Understanding and overcoming self-sabotage
  • How to actually keep going

During the two hours we get tactical and strategic, and you’ll walk away having clearly identified the first step you need to take to reach YOUR personal goal(s), and a plan of action for going the rest of the way.

Let this be the first step that you take towards getting out of your own way and building your best life.

Do the thing.

Investment: $50


There’s a better way.

This is a FREE 90-minute webinar all about marketing and sales.

If you’re sick of the bullshit tactics and just want to help people, this one’s for you.

Real talk, if you never talk about your stuff, and never let people know they can pay you, don’t be mad when you don’t make any money. BUT, you can absolutely feel good about how you promote your stuff, how you offer your services, and how you sell your 💩. 

Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Selling doesn’t have to feel sleazy.

There’s a better way.

In this Maestroclass you'll learn:

  • Marketing vs Advertising vs Branding
  • Story-telling
  • Congruency marketing
  • Attraction marketing
  • Transparency marketing
  • Second-chance sales
  • Pricing
  • Sales calls
  • Discovery Calls
  • Social media content
  • Launching
  • And so much MOAR (ok, maybe not so much more since this is only 90 minutes, but I will answer all of your questions!)

I’m not selling anything at the end of the Maestroclass. I’m not gonna drop you into any kind of crazy email sequence after you register. I’m honestly just doing this because I want to share how I do things. I truly believe there is a better way, and instead of bitching about the status quo, I’m gonna do something about it.

It’s time to get Maestrofied.

Investment: FREE99


Join me for a Maestroclass all about how to use email marketing for online business!

Email marketing has made me thousands of dollars and I truly believe that it is the key to bulletproofing/future-proofing/pandemic-proofing your business. Let me help you.

What you'll learn:

  • What exactly email marketing is
  • ⁣How to start an email list⁣
  • How to use social media to grow your email list
  • ⁣How to get more people on your email list⁣
  • How often to send emails⁣
  • How to write great copy for your emails⁣
  • How to sell using email
  • ⁣The best time(s) to send emails⁣
  • Metrics you should actually care about⁣
  • How to increase your opening rates⁣
  • How to stay motivated about writing to your list⁣
  • An introduction to advanced strategies like: tagging, sequences, and automations⁣

Investment: $50


Lemme help you make some monies.

I’m a big fan of online courses, if you're reading this blurb, there’s a good chance that you’re looking for MOAR ways to bring your brain online and help your people without having to be in-person.

Quite frankly, creating a digital course is easy, but I understand the confusion surrounding how you even start and what it means to actually CREATE a course. Where do you host the videos? How do you market it? How should you price it? How long should it be? ARE THE FILES IN THE COMPUTER?

I gotchu. Grab this Maestroclass and let me teach you how to create your first, and most dope online course.

During the class you’ll learn:

  • My favorite platform to use to create a course
  • Why hosting courses on your own website is not a good idea
  • How to price your course
  • How to market your course
  • How to design your course
  • How to sell your course
  • What kind of content to have in your course
  • The technical aspects for recording your course
  • The most difficult part of having an online course
  • And whatever else you want to learn because I ALWAYS leave time at the end for questions

I LOVE this 💩, and it’s top priority that you leave with ACTIONABLE steps and a plan for success. Let’s make moves. You know I’ll get you to DO THE THING.

Investment: $50

How to Market, Sell, and Crush Your First Webinar

Webinars are one of the most underutilized trust-building tools out there, and I want to show you how to rock 'em.

‘Rona moved everyone into the digital space, and while the space may feel super crowded, the flips side is that MOAR folks than ever have embraced the value of digital content.

As such, I believe that webinars can be an extremely valuable and powerful part of one's online business. So let's get meta, and join me for a webinar…about webinars!

In this Maestroclass you'll learn:

  • My favorite platform for hosting webinars and why
  • How to price your webinar
  • How to market and sell your webinar
  • How to use webinars to build trust with your audience
  • The number one requirement to hosting a great webinar
  • Things to avoid when hosting a webinar
  • How to use webinars as a strategic part of your digital product offerings
  • How to structure your webinar so that attendees get the most out of it and become life-long customers
  • Whether or not you should use your webinar to sell
  • And so much MOAR (had to say it 😉)

The investment is $50 monies, the return is up to you. Let me help you get started.

Investment: $50

Retired Self-Paced Online Courses

Instagramming with the Maestro

Retired Self-paced Online Course

As of 12/5/2020, this course has been retired and is no longer available for purchase. If you purchased it before then you will continue have access to it. CLICK HERE to access it.


Retired Self-paced Online Course

As of 01/01/2024, this course has been retired and is no longer available for purchase. Instagram be changing too damn much to keep the information accurate and up to date. If you purchased ReelsU before then you will continue have access to it. CLICK HERE to access it.

Breathing with the Maestro

Retired Self-paced Online Course

As of 05/01/2024, this course has been retired and is no longer available for purchase. If you purchased it before then you will continue have access to it. CLICK HERE to access it.


You'll need the email and password that you used when you first purchased the course. If you don't remember your password, you'll be able to reset it.

Got a recommendation or request for a new webinar or course? CONTACT ME and lemme know!

Join the family!