Daily Maestroism

DM #702

Wednesday, April 25th, 2018

DM #702: Continuing to inch my way down that functional medicine 🐇 🕳, and I’m honestly finding it pretty mind-blowing that this type of medicine needs its own title…it’s own category 🤦🏽‍♂️.

What am I talking about? While my understanding is still very cursory, functional medicine is simply the practice of actually looking for and treating the CAUSE, not just chasing and medicating symptoms. In all honesty, by these rough guidelines, physical therapy should have it’s own offshoot called Functional Physical Therapy for those enlightened therapists who realize that back pain isn’t caused by a bad back, and knee pain isn’t caused by a bad knee.

I am by NO means putting down functional medicine. Quite the contrary. It’s refreshing to see this perspective validated across other paradigms. Conversely, realizing that this common sense approach to treatment ain’t so common remains frustrating.

I’m pumped beyond words to have @mitchelrasmussondc on 🎙Maestro on the Mic🎙 in a few weeks so he can break it down and we can chat about how these two separate fields really aren’t so different at all.

Clinicians…patients…anyone with a body, let’s open our eyes to the difference between symptoms and causes, and then, intervene accordingly.

Daily Maestroisms dropping whenever the craziness of life allows 🤷🏽‍♂️. Get yours.

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